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Rocky Mountain South National Qualifying Tournament

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Colorado.

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Hello Rocky Mountain-South NSDA District! 

We are excited to be hosting Nat Quals this year at  Golden HS, Friday and Saturday March 7-8th.  Our current, tentative schedule can be found under the "Tournament Schedule" tab at the top of the page.

General Overview: 

-WE WANT YOUR ENTRIES! Novices are great! Events with 30 entries get THREE qualifiers to Nationals. 

-4 Prelim Rounds for all events! Two on Friday, two on Saturday morning 

-1 judge for every 3 debate entries, 1 for every 6 speech entries 

-We will pay $40 for judges who can stay all day Friday, $80 for judges who can stay all day Saturday. $120 for judges who stay for the duration of the entire tournament.


Needed Paperwork: 

Single Entry Letter of Intent - This is available under "Files for Download". ANY student who is doing two or more events at ANY of the Qualifiers (BQ, Congress, Speech & Debate) needs to fill this form out stating what their event preference is should they qualify in two events. Additionally, ANY student who wants to be considered for the World Schools Debate team needs to fill out the SELOI and mark "WSD" as one of their preferences. 

Titles & Topics on Speechwire - Please upload title/topic/author information on Speechwire through the "Video Links and Titles" button. This helps us avoid students with similar topics or pieces being scheduled in the same prelim round, which is one of our guiding scheduling priorities. 

Original Source Material for Interp - In the event of a protest, please bring/have access to original source material for your Interp events. 

Original Oratory and Informative—The typed copy of the speech must identify the quoted materials and state the exact number of quoted words.  No more than 150 words of the oration may be directly quoted from any other speech or writings. The OO/INF must include a works cited page in A.P.A. or M.L.A. format.  Include this statement: “This is the original work of this student and meets all NSDA rules governing Original Oratory/ Informative.” Both the author and the coach must sign this form.  Please title the speech so the subject is clear.  These are due with the final registration. 


End of Year Awards: 

Please submit nominations for district awards (Student of the Year, Coach of the Year, Admin of the Year) ASAP through the NSDA website.Voting will occur at the tournament, with winners being announced at awards. 

LINK for Student of the Year:  https://www.speechanddebate.org/student-of-the-year-nomination-form/

LINK for Coach of the Year: https://www.speechanddebate.org/high-school-coach-of-the-year-nomination-form/

LINK for Assistant Coach of the Year: https://www.speechanddebate.org/assistant-coach-of-the-year-nomination-form/

LINK for New Coach of the Year: https://www.speechanddebate.org/new-coach-of-the-year-nomination-form/ 



Rd. 1 - Americas & Caribbean
Rd. 2 - Africa & Southwest Asia
Rd. 3 - East Asia, Central Asia, & Oceania
Rd. 4 - Energy, Environment, & Global Health
Semfinals - Europe
Finals - Global Conflicts & International Organizations

United States

Rd. 1 - Business, Economics, & Industry
Rd. 2 - Energy, Environment, & Natural Disasters
Rd. 3 Foreign Policy & National Security
Rd. 4 - Healthcare, Immigration, & Social Issues
Semifinals - Politics & Democracy
Finals - The Supreme Court, Civil Liberties, & Legal Controversies

Fees & Payment

Tammie Peters will be tracking and collecting our fees. Please... 

Make payments to Rocky Mountain South NFL District

c/o Tammie Peters, 10865 W. Hialeah Pl, Littleton, CO  80127


Your Rocky South Committee Members

Manager contact information

Grant Thomas
Email address: grant_thomas@dpsk12.net
Phone number: 720-610-8166

Mailing address

Rocky Mountain South NFL District
c/o Tammie Peters, 10865 W. Hialeah Pl, Littleton, CO 80127
Denver, CO

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