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Palm Beach Middle School Forensic League Tournament #6 (PBMSFL #6) Invitation




Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2025


​​Location: Eagles Landings Middle School

19500 Coral Ridge Dr

Boca Raton, FL 33498

Time: 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM



  • Wednesday, January 29th at 5:00 PM is the deadline for entering students (both competitors and observers).
  • Friday, January 31st at 5:00 PM is the deadline for entering judges and meals.

**You are REQUIRED to buy meals for all judges and coaches; the meal is included in the entry fee for students.**


Tournament Guidelines:

  • This tournament is open to all students from PBMSFL member schools.
  • The following events will be offered: Congressional Debate (separate Novice and Varsity divisions), Declamation, Dramatic Performance, Duo Interpretation, Extemporaneous Speaking, Impromptu Speaking, Lincoln Douglas Debate, Program - - - Oral Interpretation, Informative Speaking, Original Oratory, and Public Forum Debate.
  • There is an option to enter students as “observers.” Again, this is for STUDENTS-ONLY!
  • The top six students in each event/division will receive awards
  • Speech students may double enter. (Students in PF, LD, or Congress cannot double enter!)



  • The entry fee is $15 per student. This entry fee includes registration costs and dinner. Students who are double entered will pay for each entry separately.
  • The entry fee is $7 for observers. This entry fee covers the cost of dinner.
  • Schools are REQUIRED to buy meals for all judges and coaches at $7 per person.
  • Students dropped after Wednesday, January 29th at 5:00 P.M. will incur a $15 drop fee, in addition to forfeiting the cost of entry ($30 total). 
  • Students added or dropped the day of the tournament, Wednesday, February 5th will incur an additional $30 fee, in addition to the cost of entry ($45 total). 



The cost of dinner is included in the $15 entry fee for students and the $7 entry fee for “observers.” Schools are REQUIRED to buy meals for all judges and coaches at $7 per person. The meal will include pizza (cheese or pepperoni), chips, and water.

**You must enter your meals on Speechwire under “Update your Meal Order” by Friday, January 31st at 5:00 PM.


Judge Information:

  • Schools are required to provide a specific number of TRAINED judges based on their entries (judge quotas are listed below).
  • Judges MUST provide a cell phone contact number on Speechwire.
  • Please use the JUDGE NOTES to annotate conflicts, event preferences, or other pertinent information (i.e., the judge has a different last name than their child(ren)).
  • Included in the "Files for Download" section is the Judge Cheat Sheet, and guidelines for judging impromptu.
  • Remind your judges that double-entered students are allowed to leave their competition room early to go to their other event.
  • Only judges with an e-ballot are permitted to be in the competition rooms. Adults without e-ballots should stay in their designated waiting area.  


Judges will go to the password-protected Speechwire website, to access their e-ballots. The ballot will also provide space to write a reason for decision (RFD) explaining their ranks, as well as space to leave individual feedback for the competitors. This feedback is important to competitors. Even though we’re in-person, the tournament will still use e-ballots on Speechwire. Judges MUST bring a laptop or tablet!


Any high school sophomore, junior, or senior with 150 NSDA points is allowed to judge.

Schools will be fined $50 for each missing judge and will be required to drop students until your school complies with the judge quotas.


Judge Quotas:

Congress - 1 judge for every 5 entries, or fraction thereof

Lincoln Douglas - 1 judge for every 2 entries, or fraction thereof

Public Forum - 1 judge for every 2 entries, or fraction thereof

Speech - 1 judge for every 5 entries, or a fraction thereof



Lincoln Douglas Debate will use the Jan/Feb Topic: “Resolved: The United States ought to become party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and/or the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.”


Public Forum Debate will use the February Topic: Resolved: The United States should accede to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


Impromptu Topics:

1) Nickelodeon TV Shows

2) Outer Space/Space Travel


Extemporaneous Speaking Topic Areas:

1) A.I. & Technology

2) Africa 


Congressional Debate legislation is posted under “Files for Download.”


Extemp Prep is in Room 174.


Important tournament rooms

Extemp Prep - 174

Manager contact information

Emily Stegawski
Email address: emily.stegawski@ahschool.com
Phone number: 4074884710

Mailing address

304 W. Park Drive
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

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