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Elkhorn Level Up Invite

RegistrationGeneral informationSchematicsFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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We will offer competition in eleven events:  Extemporaneous, Original Oratory, Duo Interpretation/Duet Acting, Informative Speaking, Entertainment Speaking, Humorous Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Poetry, POI, OID and Impromptu.  There will be two preliminary rounds breaking to Champ finals (top six) (top 4 for OID)  Where entries warrant, we will break to additional final rounds.  Students may triple enter, however, they are responsible for making it to their rounds on time.



We may have to limit the number of entries that we can admit to the tournament. All teams will be allowed 5 entries per/event. Additional entries will be placed on a waitlist and admitted in the order they were received. However, only 5 entries/school/event will count toward sweepstakes. 




Sweepstakes trophies will be presented through third place.  

The top six finishers will receive medals.  Honors, next-in, etc (as warranted) will receive awards.

Additionally, the top novice in each individual event will receive awards.



Please note that we will have school in session until 3:20.  It would be best to arrive no sooner than 2:45, as we will be limited to the commons area until 3:30 for draw.  We appreciate everyone’s efforts to be timely!

We will accelerate the schedule wherever possible once the tournament is underway.




Individual Event entry: $8.50 per entry



We request that all judges be competent and experienced.

You must furnish one judge for every 5 entries or part thereof.

Please make every effort to supply judges - we need your judges more than your money.

The fee for each uncovered entry will be $20.00

If we cannot find judges and you cannot provide them, we may not be able to accommodate your entire entry.

We will be using digital ballots -- all judges must bring a wifi enabled device

All judges must be available for finals.


Manager contact information

Jaimie Mosby
Email address: jmosby@epsne.org
Phone number: 4029573046

Mailing address

1401 Veterans Dr
PO Box 439
Elkhorn, NE 68022

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