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Perham Jacket Classic

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Minnesota.

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The Perham High School Speech Team is excited to host their annual

Jacket Classic!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Please make note of the following items:
  • Please drop off students in front of PHS door 1. Buses can park in the parking lot reserved for staff, directly in front of PWMS.
  • Registration will end at 8:00 AM. 
  • Draws begin at 8:30 AM in the media center. 
  • Discussion will begin at 9: 15 AM to allow for double-entries.
  • All speakers, except discussants, will begin at 9:00 AM.


  • We will offer all 13 MSHSL events 


  • We will offer three preliminary rounds and final (top 1-7) and honor (8 -14)
  • Medals will be awarded to the top seven (7) finalists and superior ribbons will be awarded to the contestants in honor finals. We will also have team sweeps for the top three (3) teams.


  • Please provide one judge for every six (6) contestants. We may have extra judges available for $100 per judge, please email the tournament host by February 21 if you need to hire a judge.
  • Please do not drop any judges if you have a change in speakers after February 21.  


  • Each entry will be $7.00. There are currently no limits per entry, however, please no triple-entries for competitors in Discussion or Draw Categories.
  • Drops made after Thursday, February 22, will encure a $1.00 fee. 
Please, feel free to contact Kasey Wacker (tournament manager) by email at kwacker@perham.k12.mn.us. 
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you and your teams throughout the season. 
Perham Speech Team Coaches,
Kasey Wacker & Elena Weller & Becca Huebsch & Brynn Greisen

Manager contact information

Kasey Wacker
Email address: kwacker@perham.k12.mn.us
Phone number: 320-282-1728

Mailing address

800 Coney Street W
Perham, MN 56573

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