Greater Omaha League of Debate Two
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Nebraska. View manager contact information
Dear Speech Coach,
The Buena Vista Speech Team cordially invites you to join us at the Second GOLD Tournament of the 2023-2024 competitive season to be held on Friday, December 1st, 2023. We will have three pre-set rounds and no finals.
Extemporaneous Speaking: Topics will cover both foreign and domestic issues drawn from news magazines published since September. 30 min. prep time. One 4x6 note card optional. 7 min. maximum.
Oratory: Must be the students’ original work, intended to inspire, persuade, and/or convince. Limit of 150 quoted words. Script is optional. 10 min. maximum.
Informative Speaking: Must be the students’ original work, intended to inform and/or explain. Audio-Visual material optional. One 4x6 note card and/or script optional. 10 min. maximum
Entertainment Speaking: Must be the students’ original work, intended to interesting nature shall combine the elements of basic organization, graphic word pictures, humor, and lively, animated delivery. . Audio-Visual material optional. One 4x6 note card and/or script optional. 8 min. maximum
Dramatic Interpretation: A serious interpretation of an original cutting from prose or a play. Script is optional. 10 min. maximum.
Humorous Interpretation: A humorous interpretation of an original cutting from prose or a play. Script is optional. 10 min. maximum.
Duo Interpretation: An interpretation of a humorous or serious selection by two individuals. No touching allowed, off stage focus should be used. Script is optional. 10 min. maximum.
Poetry Interpretation: A serious or humorous interpretation of one or more poems. If more than one poem is used, they must be based on either a theme or single author. Script is required. 8 min. maximum.
Program Oral Interpretation (POI): is a 10-minute performance that can include a combination of Prose, Poetry, and Drama, with at least two genres of material being included. The purpose of this event is to encourage students to obtain a wide knowledge and appreciate of the various forms of literature. With a spotlight on
argumentation and performative range, POI focuses on a student’s ability to combine multiple genres of literature centered around a single theme. Script is required. 10 min. maximum.
As per GOLD rules, students MAY double enter, and the competitor must be in his/her first year of any type of forensic competition. Because Millard West is hosting both speech and debate, please adhere to the entry guidelines so we will have enough rooms available for competition. There are no fees, as those are a part of your dues.
**ENTRIES ARE DUE BY 5:00p.m Wednesday, Nov. 29TH **
Please report any drops by noon on Friday, Dec. 1st. There will be NO adds the day of the tournament, unless there is room in a particular event.
You must provide one qualified judge for every 5 entries. Please try to cover as many judges as possible. You can even bring extras! Judges may be knowledgeable varsity members. If judges aren’t covered we run into the problem of judges judging competitors from their own school. Please be aware of this and bring judges.
Kat Duvall Mailing address 5616 L St SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy