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Copley Invitational

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Ohio.

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Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Copley High School Speech Team, we would like to invite you and your team to compete in the annual Copley Invitational Speech Tournament.  
WHERE:   Copley High School (All Speech events) and Copley-Fairlawn Middle School (All Debate events).
WHEN: Saturday, November 18, 2023.  Please plan to register by 7:45 a.m. 
EVENTS: All individual events.  We will be doing four rounds of IE.  Lincoln Douglas, Public  Forum, Policy, and Congress.  We are also going to offer Middle School events.  
ENTRIES: We will accept four (4) entries in each of the individual events.  I will try and get everyone in, but I refuse to do seven in a round.  We will use every available space!  LD and Public Forum will be limited to four (4) per school.  If you wish to pick up spots on Saturday, BRING JUDGES to cover the pickups.  Students may double entry in all events but Extemp and Debate.
FEES: $5.00 per student.   Thus, all duos, Policy, and public forum teams will be
  $10.00 per team.
NO Technology, team, or base fee at this tournament.
AWARDS: will be presented to the top competitors in each event, based on size of the
TOPICS: All debate events will use the November national topics.  Congress will use 
the November 18th legislation. 
REGISTRATION: Use SpeechWire!!! 
CONFIRMATIONS:  Check Speechwire!!!
JUDGES: Individual Events/ SC:  1 to 5 competitors: 1 judge
    6 to 10 competitors: 2 judges
11 to 15 competitors: 3 judges
For judging purposes, duos will count as 1 entry.
L/D, Policy, & Public Forum: 1 judge for  1 or 2 debaters/teams
2 judges for 3 or 4 debaters/teams
Judges are required for Saturday pickups!
POLICY: I will be offering Policy this year. However, I reserve the right to cancel the event for a lack of registrations!!!!
DROPPED JUDGES FEE: $30.00 per judge dropped, payable at registration.
POP-TABS: Please bring your pull-tabs for the Ronald McDonald House of Akron.
If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk feel free to contact me.
Shannon: 330-322-7679

Manager contact information

Shannon Rote
Email address: Shannon.Rote@Copley-Fairlawn.org
Phone number: 330-322-7679

Mailing address

3807 Ridgewood Rd.
Copley, OH 44321

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