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NNU Valentine Tournament

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General information

This is a College tournament in Idaho.

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Dear forensics colleagues,

We are excited to invite you and your students to the Valentine Tournament on the campus of Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho on Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday, February 14-16, 2025. We will offer all traditional 11 NST events in open division, and on Friday evening, we will offer Readers Theatre.  If entries warrant, we will offer novice divisions in extemp, impromptu, informative, persuasive and prose. We will offer novice and open divisions of IPDA.    

The tournament is falling over Valentine’s Day weekend, so there will be some topics in impromptu and debate highlighting the theme.

All the campus academic buildings in use are less than a five-minute walk from each other and the tournament headquarters in the Brandt Center Lobby. Please let us know if you have competitors, coaches, or critics who need ADA accommodation. There is plenty of food near campus within about a ten-minute walk from campus (mostly fast food but also pizza and a couple of local restaurants). Campus food services, Fresh Ideas, will be open Sat./Sun. 11am-1pm & 5pm - 6:30pm at $15.15 for lunch or dinner.

This tournament adheres to the AFA-NST Code of Ethics, the Northwest Forensics Conference Code of Ethics & Equity, and the IPDA Constitution. Northwest Nazarene coaches will be equity officials at this tournament. We plan to use electronic ballots on SpeechWire for this in-person tournament.

Entry Deadline:       Monday, February 10, 2025 at 5:00pm Mountain Time

Drop Deadline:        Wednesday, February 12 at 5:00 pm Mountain Time

Fees are calculated based on entries at this time; any changes after this point must be emailed to mbadamson@nnu.edu and will be charged full entry fees and entry change fees.

Note: To manage your team entries and drops, please use http://www.speechwire.com

Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can provide any more information to you. We look forward to seeing you in Idaho this February!


Brooke Adamson                                          Dennis Waller

Director of Forensics                                    Assistant Director of Forensics

mbadamson@nnu.edu                                drwaller@nnu.edu

Office: 208.467.8255                                   

Cell: 208.761.8198

Northwest Nazarene University, 623 S. University Blvd. Nampa, Idaho, 83686

Manager contact information

Brooke Adamson
Email address: MBAdamson@nnu.edu
Phone number: 2087618198

Mailing address

Northwest Nazarene University 623 S. University Blvd.

Nampa, ID 83686

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