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Lowell Sharp Invite
General information This is a High School tournament in Colorado. View manager contact information The Lowell Sharp Invitational (Hosted by Jeffco) 2025
Your team is cordially invited to the 2025 Lowell Sharp Invitational (Hosted by Jeffco) to be held on February 1, 2025 at Arvada West High School. We hope you will join us for a great day of speech and debate competition.
Arvada West High School 11595 Allendale Dr, Arvada, CO 80004
Events: Varsity CX Debate (current NSDA topic), JV CX Debate (current NSDA topic), LD Debate (Jan/Feb NSDA topic), PF Debate (Feb topic), US Extemp, International Extemp, Student Congress, Original Oratory, Drama, Humor, Poetry, Duo, PoI, and Informative,
In the spirit of supporting our colleagues and their concerns, we are offering JV CX Debate. This division is designed for first year competitors in CX Debate. JV CX debate is limited to freshman and sophomore CX debaters or students in their first year of competition.
Special Note about CX: Here are the agreed upon JV restrictions:
In JVCX, we will employ the NFHS Novice case limits, meaning that all teams should limit themselves to the following four case areas.
We will offer these two divisions if there are at least 6 teams registered in each division; otherwise we will collapse the divisions into a single event.
DOUBLING IS NOT ALLOWED! Entries: Each school may enter up to 4 entries in each event with one waitlisted entry.
Each school may enter up to 6 student congress competitors.
Pre-Registration and Registration: Pre-registration will be through speechwire.com. Register soon and update often as necessary because this tournament usually closes. We will accept registrations until we reach our capacity and/or at 4:00pm on January 29, 2025. You will be automatically e-mailed through tabroom.com when you register or make changes.
Computers: Students will be allowed to use laptop computers in rounds as per the rules created by NSDA for District Tournaments. If you are not familiar with these rules, consult the NSDA District Tournament Manual or see the additional page on speechmeets.com.
Schedule: Registration is 8:00am—8:30am. Your team must be registered by 8:30am to be eligible for the first round. Rounds will be scheduled to efficiently utilize available judges and rooms. We will schedule rounds as quickly as possible. It is, therefore, not a good idea to leave the tournament sites for more than a few minutes. Competitors who miss a round will be dropped from the tournament.
Fees: Fees are $10.00 per competitor–and $18.00 per CX team or PF team and Duo team–and $6.00 per competitor in Student Congress. Fees are charged on pre-registration numbers as of 4:00pm on January 29, 2025.
Non-Jeffco schools: please remit payment to: Chatfield S. H., Attn: Kevin Brich, 7227 South Simms, Littleton, CO 80127. Please make sure check notes: Jeffco Invite/your school name. For Jeffco Schools: Transfer payment to Chatfield Forensics Acct #SR030-451000-73200-1622
Awards: Something will be awarded for first, second and third places in each speech event, debate awards for first and second places. Something else will be awarded for Finalists and undefeated debaters not advancing to finals; additionally, Superior and Excellent ribbons will be awarded to students doing well but not advancing to finals. The usual Congress awards will be presented. We will also be presenting a special coach’s award.
Congress Legislation and Rules: All bills and resolutions will be taken from the NSDA website.The dockets will be available to all schools by Friday, January 24, 2025. The entire day will be considered a single session in Congress. New judges will be assigned in each round. The presiding officer will be elected to serve for all rounds. Precedence carries over from round to round and one set of speaker awards per house will be presented. We will use the NSDA rules: every speaker gets up to 3 minutes to speak and up to 1 minute of questions. Please refer to the NSDA manual for clarification.
Rules: CHSAA Rules will be used. NSDA Rules for Congress will be followed.
Judging: Since judging is critical to a successful tournament, all schools are required to provide judges based on entry numbers. Coaches or a designated judge may cover these rounds. Please be sure to enter your judges on Speechwire to cover this obligation. Coaches unavailable for a scheduled judging round at any time they are assigned may forfeit their students’ advancement to finals. Therefore, it would be advisable for any coach who has to leave to check out at the judges’ table. Remember, a coach who is responsible for your team must be available at all times. Any school with competitors in debate events should bring one qualified debate judge for every two debate entries. Teams with speech entries will need one judge for every six entries. Any school that does not cover their entries may forfeit entries. Also, judges are crucial for tournaments: please invite all experienced judges you know to attend this tournament. It’s always nice to have more judges than we need.
Any questions? Contact Emily Orr at Columbine High School - emily.orr@jeffco.k12.co.us
Kevin Brich at Chatfield Senior High School – kbrich@jeffco.k12.co.us
Insincerely, Emily Orr and Kevin Brich
Non-Jeffco schools, please remit payment to Chatfield S. H., Attn. Kevin Brich, 7227 South Simms, Littleton, CO 80127. Please make sure check notes: Jeffco Invite/your school name. Jeffco Schools, please remit payment to SR030-451000-73200-1623 at Chatfield S. H.
PREREGISTRATION 2015 JEFFCO INVITATIONAL SATURDAY, January 31 AT Green Mountain H. S. Debate: (You may bring up to 12 entries in debate in any combination) Varsity CX Teams (each team counts as 2 entries) _______x $20 = Novice CX Teams (each team counts as 1 entry) _______x $20 = PF Teams (each team counts as 1 entry) _______x $20 = LD Debaters (each debater counts as 1 entry) _______x $10 = Non-Debate Events: (You may bring up to 24 entries in non-debate events) Duo Teams (each team counts as 1 entry) _______x $10 = Original Oratory _______x $10 = National Extemp _______x $10 = International Extemp _______x $10 = Humorous Interp _______x $10 = Dramatic Interp _______x $10 = Poetry Interp _______x $10 = Congress _______x $ 8 = TOTAL FEES OWED:
Non-Jeffco schools, please remit payment to Chatfield S. H., Attn. Kevin Brich, 7227 South Simms, Littleton, CO 80127. Please make sure check notes: Jeffco Invite/your school name. Jeffco Schools, please remit payment to SR030-451000-73200-1623 at Chatfield Emily Orr Mailing address 7227 S Simms St SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy