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National Christian College Forensics Invitational

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General information

This is a College tournament in Texas.

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On behalf of the executive council of the National Christian College Forensics Association, including our president Dr. Michael Ingram (mingram@whitworth.edu) and our host Dr. Julie Welker (jwelker@hputx.edu), we would like to officially invite you to the 28th annual National Christian College Forensics Invitational.


This March, we will be traveling for the very first time to God’s country (Julie’s words, though I suspect they are accurate), Howard Payne University in Brownwood, Texas. The tournament will begin on Thursday, March 7th, 2025, and finish on Saturday, March 9th.


The tournament is open to schools that are members of the Council for Christian Colleges and

Universities or schools that have a mission statement that is supportive and sympathetic to the mission of Christian higher education. Please contact Dr. Ingram for any questions about qualification. This tournament is a unique opportunity to celebrate our heritage as Christians in the context of forensics. The tournament will offer IPDA, NFA-LD and NPDA debate along with Reader’s Theater. We will offer 11 AFA individual events and two unique events, Interpretation of Faith Literature and Homiletics.


We will be using SpeechWire for entries and tournament administration. That means that even if text or e-mail communication isn’t functional, the most current schematics (postings) will be available on the SpeechWire website. Entries will be due by Thursday, February 20th. Changes must be made by Thursday, February 27th to avoid drop fees. On behalf of the NCCFA Executive Council, we look forward to seeing you in Texas in the spring!



Michael Marse

California Baptist University

Tournament Director


Manager contact information

Michael T. Ingram
Email address: mingram@whitworth.edu
Phone number: 509-777-4428

Mailing address

300 W. Hawthorne Rd
Spokane, WA 99251

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