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Bridgewater Raritan Invitational

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General information

This is a High School tournament in New Jersey.

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Dear Forensics Coaches and Moderators,
The Bridgewater Raritan High School Speech & Debate Team cordially invites you to attend the Bridgewater Raritan Invitational on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Competition will be offered in all 11 New Jersey Individual Events, including Declamation (open to 9th and 10th grade students only), Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Extemporaneous Speaking, Humorous Interpretation, Impromptu Speaking, Improvisational Acting, Informative Speaking, Oral Interpretation, Original Oratory, and Programmed Oral Interpretation. Novice, JV, and Varsity divisions of Lincoln Douglas and Public Forum Debate, JV and Varsity divisions of Parliamentary Debate. Please note that  Novice and Varsity divisions of Congressional Debate will be offered through tabroom. Students may double-enter in any individual event, but not in debate or Congress. 
The tournament will feature three preliminary rounds and one final round for all individual events. There will be four rounds of debate (with the possibility of a final round if time permits) and two sessions of Congress plus a supersession if numbers warrant it. Awards will be presented to the top six competitors/teams in all events. Please indicate novice competitors (defined as 9th or 10th grade students in their first year of competition) in individual events at the time of registration, as we will also honor the top non-advancing novice. The top three schools will receive sweepstakes awards. We will continue our tradition of offering a special sweepstakes award to the top school with 15 or fewer entries.
The tournament will feature three preliminary rounds and one final round for all individual events. There will be four rounds of debate (with the possibility of a final round if time permits) and two sessions of Congress plus a supersession if numbers warrant it. Awards will be presented to the top six competitors/teams in all events. Please indicate novice competitors (defined as 9th or 10th grade students in their first year of competition) in individual events at the time of registration, as we will also honor the top non-advancing novice. The top three schools will receive sweepstakes awards. We will continue our tradition of offering a special sweepstakes award to the top school with 15 or fewer entries.
Registration should be completed via www.speechwire.com. We recognize that this tournament falls immediately following winter break, but it would be incredibly helpful to have somewhat accurate information as we return to school in January. Initial caps have been put in place for all events (6 per school in the IEs and 12 per school across all three divisions in the debate events). Additional entries can be placed on the waitlist and will be released off of them as space allows. Coaches may add competitors without additional fees until 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Drops can be done without penalty until 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Competitor and judge drops after that time will be assessed a penalty in addition to the initial registration fee. 
In-person Registration will take place between 8:00 and 8:45 A.M. in the side entrance of Bridgewater Raritan 100 Building on the day of the tournament. Bridgewater Raritan High School has a large campus with multiple buildings. The 100 Building is visible and accessible directly from Garretson Rd. For easiest access to the tournament entrance park in the solar lot (parking lot with overhead solar umbrellas). Using the school’s address in your GPS system will direct you to the main entrance which is not the correct entrance. You want to turn down BR Way not the Panther Loop. A map will be sent to participating schools prior to the tournament. Please ensure that your team and judges arrive promptly at the correct location so that we can begin the day’s activities on schedule.
Tournament Platform and Schedule
It is imperative that all participants understand how to access the resources available through Speechwire and that judges be trained in the protocols and procedures for each event as well as in the use of electronic ballots prior to the tournament. There are a number of excellent training materials available from the NSDA and New Jersey Speech & Debate League. E-ballots will be used for all events.
A tentative schedule for the tournament can be found on the Speechwire site as well as in the live document. Adjustments will be made as needed during the course of the tournament. All participating schools will receive access to the live document approximately one week before the tournament.
Please present payment in the form of cash, check, or purchase order on the day of the tournament.
School Entry Fee-- $25.00
Individual Events-- $15.00 per slot (Duo is $15.00 per team)
Congress-- $15.00 per competitor
LD Debate-- $20.00 per competitor
PF Debate-- $25.00 per team
Parli. Debate-- $25.00 per team
Late Drop Fee-- $10.00 per drop [+ initial registration fee] after Thursday, January 9 at 3:00 P.M.
Late Add Fee-- $10.00 per addition [+ registration fee] after Friday, January 10 at 12:00 P.M.
Hired Judge Fees-- $150.00 per judge
Dropped Judge Fee-- $100.00 after Saturday, January 11 at 7:00 A.M.
Please make checks/purchase orders payable to: Bridgewater Raritan Regional High School
Payment should be sent to:
Al Fischer
Bridgewater Raritan Regional High School
600 Garretson Rd.
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Judging Requirements
- Schools in attendance must provide 1 judge for every 2 Lincoln Douglas, Parli, and Public Forum competitors/teams, or fraction thereof. Parli judges will be selected from the Public Forum pool.
- Teams must provide 1 judge for every 5 competitors in the Speech Individual Events or fraction thereof.
 - Experienced seniors may judge novice rounds in Lincoln Douglas and Public Forum. Please mark these judges as a student in the notes section of the judge registration.
- Judges are obligated to be available for the entire tournament. Please emphasize this point with your judges.
 -A limited number of judges will be available for hire on a first come, first served basis. Please make every effort to bring your school’s required number of judges.
 Additional Information
- Judges will receive breakfast, lunch, and refreshments throughout the day. Students may purchase a variety of hot meals and snacks during the tournament. In accordance with the New Jersey Speech & Debate League’s efforts to reduce the use of plastic water bottles, there will be none available for use or purchase. Instead, students and judges are encouraged to purchase re-usable bottles from the league. 
- Lincoln Douglas and Public Forum will use the January/February and February resolutions, respectively.
- Congress will be administered by the NJ District Championships. See Tabroom.com for registration details. 
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Bridgewater High School on February 22!!
Al Fischer
Bridgewater Raritan Regional High School Speech & Debate Advisor
Email: afischer@brrsd.k12.nj.us
Phone: 908-884-1120


Manager contact information

Alben Fischer
Email address: afischer@brrsd.k12.nj.us
Phone number: 610-417-5863

Mailing address

Bridgewater Raritan High School
600 Garretson Rd.
Bridgewater, NJ 08807

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