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Tiger Talkers Invitational

RegistrationGeneral informationFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This is a High School tournament in Colorado.

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La Junta High School





The La Junta High School Speech and Debate team would like to invite you and your team to the La Junta High School Invitational Tournament on Saturday, January 18, 2025. We will be

running a wave-style tournament, including powered debates, doubling, and finals in all events

with at least two sections. This tournament will follow modified CHSAA rules for all events.

If you have any questions, please call or text Julie Meiklejohn (719-469-6563) or email




La Junta High School

1817 Smithland Avenue

La Junta, CO 81050




Drama, Humor, Poetry, PF, Info, Impromptu




NOTE: Extempers who double are not guaranteed prep time.



Rounds will be run as soon as possible. Please watch the postings.

7:00 AM Registration Opens

7:45 AM Judges’ Meeting

8:00 AM Wave A Round 1

9:00 AM Extemp Draw

9:30 AM Wave B Round 1

11:00 AM Wave A Round 2

12:00 PM Extemp Draw

12:30 PM Wave B Round 2

2:00 PM Wave A Round 3

3:00 PM Extemp Draw

3:30 PM Wave B Round 3

4:30 PM Finals (Final rounds will run as soon as possible after round 3)

6:30 PM Awards


Competitors more than 10 minutes late to a round forfeit that round. Competitors will speak in

the order they were assigned. Please remind students not to enter a room until the judge is



Debate Topics:

LD (Jan/Feb topic): Resolved: The United States ought to become party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and/or the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


PF (Jan topic): Resolved: The African Union should grant diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Somaliland as an independent state.



Please register your team at www.speechwire.com by no later than Wednesday, January 15,

2025. Early registration is encouraged. We will charge $15.00 per single entry, and $20.00

per team/debate (Duo, PF, and LD) entered in the tournament. Competitors may register for

one event in each wave. Tournament entry fees will be based on your pre-registration

numbers; any drops made after the January 15th deadline will forfeit the entry fee.

Please make checks payable to La Junta High School Tiger Talkers.

If you are running late the morning of the tournament, please call or text my cell

phone (below) to let me know when you will be arriving. Arrivals after 7:30 may be

dropped from the first round.



Please help us out by bringing judges. The more judges you bring, the more smoothly the

tournament will run. Each school must provide judges based on competitors: 1-5 speech

competitors will require one judge; 1-2 debate competitors will require one judge. Any school

not meeting their quota of judges will be fined a $50 fee per judge. This is unpleasant for

everyone, so please spare us all. Please remind your judges that we will be doing electronic

ballots, so please bring a laptop. Judges will be paid $10 per round.



Trophies will be awarded to 1st -6th  place winners. A sweepstakes trophy will be awarded to the 1st -3rd place teams.


Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided for judges and coaches. Competitors will need to

bring their own food or purchase food available at our concessions stand.



PF debaters will use the January NSDA Topic. LD debaters will use the January-February NSDA Topic. Debate rounds will be power-matched after round 1. As per the NSDA and CHSAA

debate rules, laptops will be allowed for flowing and file retrieval. The use of WiFi will be

available. Cheating will result in disqualification from the tournament, and if the offending team

won the ballot, it will be overturned.


School Rules:

The tournament will be governed under the rules set forth by CHSAA and East Otero School


The East Otero School District schools are tobacco-free campuses (and smoking’s bad for you


Anyone caught violating school or district rules while at the tournament will be disqualified.

Anyone caught defacing school property will be disqualified.

Please respect the teachers who allow us to use their rooms by leaving the room in the same

condition in which you found it. Please do not rearrange furniture.


Impromptu Rules:

Impromptu is a public speaking event where students have seven minutes TOTAL to select a

topic, brainstorm their ideas, outline and deliver a speech. The speech is given without notes

and uses an introduction, body, and conclusion. The speech can be light-hearted or serious. It

can be based upon prompts that range from nursery rhymes, current events, celebrities,

organizations, and more.


Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Julie Meiklejohn

Speech and Debate Coach, La Junta High School

Julie’s cell: 719-469-6563


Important tournament rooms

Tab Room - 12
Judges Lounge - 25
Extemp Prep - Library

Manager contact information

Julie Meiklejohn
Email address: jmeiklejohn@lajunta.k12.co.us
Phone number: 7194696563

Mailing address

1817 Smithland Ave.
Attn: Forensic Tournament
La Junta, CO 81050

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