Rebel Rouser
General information This is a High School tournament in Minnesota. View manager contact information United South Central High School is hosting the Rebel Rouser Speech tournament on Saturday, March 1, 2025. The contest will feature three rounds in all thirteen MSHSL speech categories. All events will be changed to include a Final Round if enough participants register. Join us for a Family Feud themed event where a mustache could be around every corner, and you may need to Feud your way to awards. Awards will be prominent Gold, Silver, and Black microphones with your very own Steve Harvey mustache for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, followed by special mustaches for 4th, 5th, and 6th Place in each category. Finalists will gain the chance to fight for their team in a game of Family Feud in the auditorium hosted by our Speech Captains while waiting for tab results. The jazz band may make an appearance, although they are elusive. Registration will be held in the main office from 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Get there early to find all the mustaches placed around the school! Find 10 and trade them for a snack, pop, and entree at the Concessions stand. Teams can feel free to setup in the Commons/Cafeteria or the Big Gym. Draws will begin at 8:30, and the first round will start at 9:00. Draws will be located in the Media Center. Students will draw Rounds 1, 2, and 3. Entry fees are $7.00 per student. Please confirm on SpeechWire, (or if you want to send me an email) if you will be attending and approximately how many students you will be bringing. Students are welcome to double-enter, except in Discussion. Each school must provide one judge for every six students or a portion thereof. We will not have extra judges available for hire, sorry. Please indicate the judge's preference on SpeechWire. Concessions will be available for snacks and lunch. Coaches and Judges, join us for a snack when you arrive. Your lunch will be provided in the judges/coaches lounge, for your convenience. More info to come on times and options available. Registration via SpeechWire must be received by Friday, February 21st by 3:00pm. A drop fee will incur after Saturday, February 22nd at midnight. Checks payable to United South Central Speech School address: 600 11th St. SW, PO Box 312 Wells, MN. 56097 Feel free to contact me with any questions (Cell - 320-288-6626). Email: afiorentino@unitedsouthcentral.org We plan to run the scheduling program Saturday morning, hopefully avoiding last-minute adds/drops. Please text me before 7:30 a.m. Saturday with any changes to your team roster. My cell is (Cell - 320-288-6626). We look forward to seeing you on March 1st in our beautiful building for some good Rebel Rousing - Speech Style! Amanda Fiorentino-Anderson, Head Coach Parker Haug, Assistant CoachAmanda Fiorentino-Anderson Mailing address 600 11th St. SW, PO Box 312 SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy