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Eagan Wildcat Speech Tournament

RegistrationGeneral informationFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This is a High School tournament in Minnesota.

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EVENTS: All MSHSL events will be offered. NSDA Events (HI, DI, OO, Duo, Extemp Speaking, and POI) will be run according to NSDA rules: all other events will be run according to MSHSL rules.

NIETOC: Eagan serves as a NIETOC bid tournament.

FORMAT: Three preliminary rounds in all events. Finals and Next-In finals will include six or seven competitors each.

ENTRY DEADLINE: New registration needs to take place by Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 5 pm. Changes to entries can be made on SpeechWire up until 10:00 pm on March 7th - after that time all changes should be emailed directly to Chris McDonald chris.mcdonald@district196.org

FEES: $8 per single entry ($16 per duo). $250 per uncovered judge. Make checks payable to:

Eagan High School Forensics Boosters

P.O. Box 211714

St. Paul, MN 55121-3714


(1) Join the network 196-Guest.


Located in the Attendance Office Window at EHS. If you have any questions about rounds, rules, or tournament logistics. This will able to the place to drop off and pick up paper ballots and critiques. Additionally, you can pick up any school phone and dial 36911.



Tech help is also available for any online issues.


Students should access schematics, codes, and schedules on the SpeechWire website. There will also be a complete posting outside the EHS main office. You can also follow us @ twitter.com/eaganspeech


We will be using the eBallot feature for online ballots and critiques. As long as the judge’s email was entered at registration, judges will be able to complete rounds digitally on their own device. Paper ballots and critiques are available on request and can be picked up and returned at the help desk.



Ex. Speaking draw is held in the EHS (High School) library. Storytelling and Ex. Reading draws will be held in the DHMS (middle school) library. Students will draw for all rounds and may NOT reuse draws in any round.


Students may complete in up to 3 events, though only one can be a draw event. Discussion rounds will begin 15 minutes later for each round to accommodate speaking in another event first. JUDGES NEED TO WAIT A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME (15-20 MINUTES) TO ACCOMMODATE THESE STUDENTS.




Discussion critiques will be done online as well. All discussion rounds start 15 minutes after the start time for other events to accommodate cross-entries. Discussion prompts will be posted online.


The coaches/judges lounge is located in the EHS FACS Room 281 (top floor, above the ballot-drop). There is overflow seating next door.


All standby judges are to be available in the lounge during rounds. All judges are considered available for all rounds unless explicitly excused by the tab room. Schools will be fined $250 if a judge does not complete their ballot for any round.


The EHS Commons is the home base for students during the day. Concessions (breakfast, lunch, and snack items) will be available there throughout the day. Please do not congregate in the classrooms.


Please leave all rooms arranged in the order that you find them. Also, because of the open school concept, please be aware of the need to be quiet in the halls.


This will take place in the EHS Commons. We will be running Finals, Next-In, Merit, and Consolation Finals per NIETOC guidelines in all events. All final rounds will able be posted on SpeechWire. We will offer Merit and Consolation final rounds in all categories if numbers warrant it.


Judges will be notified through SpeechWire if they are judging a final round, though please keep an eye on posting to double-check for your name.


Awards for Finalists will be in the EHS gymnasium. Awards for Next-In, Merit, and Consolation finals will happen in the room. Awards for the national tournament qualifiers will follow directly after.


Manager contact information

Chris McDonald
Email address: Chris.McDonald@district196.org
Phone number: 6512835976

Mailing address

Eagan High School Forensics Boosters
P.O. Box 211714
St. Paul, MN 55121-3714

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