Centura Speech Meet
General information This is a High School tournament in Nebraska. View manager contact information Welcome to the Centura Speech Invite Send questions to ksimon@centuraps.org Centura Speech Invite Saturday, March 1st, 2025 Centura Public School
Entries: Contestants are allowed to triple enter. If you have someone entering in extemporaneous and another event, please make sure they inform the judge in their round that they are double or triple entered in extemporaneous. Extemp draw will be in the High School cafeteria at 8:15am. We will be combining Novice and Varsity contestants, please indicate your novice competitors so they are eligible to earn the top a Novice medal. If the Novice contestant places in the top 6, they will NOT get both the Varsity medal and the Top Novice medal. The top Novice will go to the first novice to not earn a varsity medal in that event.
Deadline for entries is Monday, February 26, 2025 at NOON. Drops will be accepted until NOON on Wednesday February 28, 2025. Registration will be between 7:00 and 7:45 am. There will be a judges/coaches meeting at 7:45am located in the coaches/judges lounge. Competition will begin promptly at 8:00 am. We will run two preliminary rounds plus finals for the top six individuals and duets, and FIVE OIDs. We will run a Varsity Division only but top Novice competitors will be recognized with a medal. If we have enough entries and judges we will have a Champs and Honors final. Honors Finals will have one judge. Champs Finals will have two judges. Entry fees will be $8.00 for individual and group events. We will not refund any fees for drops or charge for any substitutions. We will not accept any adds the day of the tournament. If you have drops after Wednesday, but before Saturday, please notify me via email immediately at ksimon@centuraps.org. I also ask that you email me with your PHONE # where we can reach you at 5:00 a.m. in case of weather cancellation.
Each school must provide one qualified judge for every six entries. If you are unable to bring judges for all of your entries, you must pay $85.00 for uncovered entries. Please make every effort to bring your required number of judges. (We prefer judges to dollars anytime.) Medals will be awarded for first through sixth place in each individual event and first through fifth for group events, if we run honors we will also have medals for 7th-12th for individuals and 6th - 10th for group.
I ask that you email me at ksimon@centuraps.org if you plan to attend; this will allow future correspondence to be conducted electronically.
Concessions will be available for the students; we will have breakfast items, lunch items, and snacks available during the day.
Coaches/Judges/Bus Drivers: There will be a lounge for coaches, judges, and bus drivers. The plan is to have a loaded baked potato bar for lunch; we will have fruit, rolls, and coffee for breakfast. There will be coffee and bottles of water available for you in the lounge as well.
The contestants’ ballots will be available to the coaches at the end of the day after the awards ceremony, coaches may view them during the day in the tab room, however they are not to leave the tab room until after finals.
Courtesy: Please remind students to be quiet when traveling through the halls.
I look forward to hearing from you and wish you and your team success in the season ahead.
Sincerely, Kris Simon Centura High School Speech Coach and Tournament Director 201 N. HWY 11 PO Box 430 Cairo, NE 68824 (308) 485-4258 Ext. 142
Kris Simon Mailing address P.O. Box 430 SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy