Yellow Jacket Classic
General information This is a High School tournament in Texas. View manager contact information You are invited to the Yellow Jacket Classic at Llano High School on February 8th, 2025. This meet will use UIL Set B materials plus third-party spelling. We will offer all academic events (hands-on computer science depends on interest, please email bcarrell@llanoisd.org). We will not offer speaking events.
Judges will be provided for Ready Writing and journalism events. Please have a judge or grader available for all other events in which you have students competing.
There will be a hospitality room for coaches and staff.
You will be limited to 6 entries in writing contests (Ready Writing, News, Feature, Editorial, and Headline) and 8 entries in all other contests. Please make checks payable to:
Llano High School Bonnie-Claire Carrell Mailing address 2509 S. State Highway 16 SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2025 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy