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Bethany Christian Middle School Invitational

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General information

This is a Middle School tournament in Indiana.

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Hello Coaches,

Welcome to our fourth Bethany Christian Middle School Speech Tournament! We are happy to welcome you in-person this year.  

Entries are due by Monday 18 November at 6:00 p.m.  Only name changes and drops will be accepted. All registration will be done on Speechwire.com.  On the day of the tournament, please text last minute drops to me at 5 574.333.1196

Please bring one judge for every five speech entries or fraction thereof (6 entries = 2 judges) for speech, and one judge per two debaters   Extra judges are always welcome.  Please do not enter a judge as "clean" unless he/she knows no one on the team.  Make sure that your judges are familiar with both online balloting through SpeechWire.  All judges will need to have a laptop or an iPad for judging.  Phones are suboptimal. 

A judges' lounge with light refreshments will be provided.  We will offer concessions for students. Please limit the amount of snacks you bring. 

Ribbons will be awarded for first through tenth places. No trophies will be awarded, but top teams will be noted. 

All speech events will have three rounds.  Debaters will compete for four rounds on the 2024-2025 resolution, "Electric vehicles are a net positive." Note: Debaters may not double-enter. 

All events will follow IHSFA Middle School Event Rules. The event guide for this year will be under "Files for Download" on the tournament page. 

8:30 a.m. -- Extemp and Broadcasting Prep/First Round debate 

Sweepstakes points will be awarded on the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis. 

Join us on the beautiful south side of Goshen on Saturday 23 November!  




Michael Yeakey

Bethany Christian Director of Speech and Debate

Carrie Lee Bland-Kendal

Bethany Christian Middle School Speech and Debate Coach



Manager contact information

Michael Yeakey
Email address: mayeakey@bethanycs.net
Phone number: 574.333.1196

Mailing address

2904 S. Main Street
Goshen, IN 46526

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