Ridge Invitational
General information This is a High School tournament in New Jersey. View manager contact information
Click here to access the tournament invitation and live doc.
IMPORTANT DATES: 12/16/2024 @ 3:00pm - Registration Opens.
1/8/2025 @ 11:59pm - All TBAs and blank entries will be deleted.
1/8/2025 – If space allows, first wave of waitlisted entries released (for schools with more than 6 in an event).
1/10/2025 @ 3:00pm – Legislation Due for Congressional Debate
1/17/2025 @ 11:59PM - Entries Due AND Fees Frozen. $5 Nuisance Fees Begin for Adds. Any drops after this point will still be charged the initial entry fee. Any dropped schools will be responsible for their full invoice after this date.
1/23/2025 @ 11:59pm - All Judges and Emails are due. $20 Nuisance Fee for a Dropped Judge Begins (in addition to hired judging fees).
1/25/25 @ 9:30am - Any adds/drops after this point (after registration closes) result in a $20 nuisance fee in addition to original entry fees. $50 for dropped judges in addition to hired judge free. $25.00 fine for each judge missing/late for assigned prelim rounds. $50 fine for judges who do not fulfill their elimination round requirement.
CONTACT INFORMATION: David Yastremski – Tournament Director – dyastremski@bernardsboe.com Kristin Thorpe – Financial Manager – RidgeForensicsFinance@bernardsboe.com
Checks and Purchase Orders should be made payable to “RHS Student Activities-Forensics” School Mailing Address: Ridge High School-Forensics, c/o Kristin Thorpe, 268 South Finley Avenue, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 I apologize. We are not permitted by our school district to accept online payments.
David Yastremski Mailing address Ridge High School c/o Kristin Thorpe SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy