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Warren Tournament of Warriors

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Indiana.

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Warren Central High School would like to invite you to the Warren Tournament of Warriors Speech Competition! The deadline for pre-registration is Wednesday, January 15th at 11:00pm.
4 straight rounds
Sweepstakes points & certificates for top 5
No Novice entries, varsity only,  Happy second semester!
7:00-7:45     Check-in
7:45            Judges’ Meeting
8:00 Extemp Draw Begins
8:15            First round begins
Rounds begin at 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 and 12:15.   
Speech - Drama, Humor, Dec, Duo, Poetry, Prose, Original Performance, Original Oratory, U.S. Extemp, Int’l Extemp, Impromptu, Broadcasting, Discussion, Informative and Programmed Oral Interp.
Round 1:  News program (music topics and commercial topic supplied on Monday, student writes a newscast) 5 min overall performance
Round 2:  Pre-written editorial (topic provided on Monday) speak for 2 mins
Round 3:  New! Breaking News!
Round 4:  Same news program again 
Extemp:  Draws will occur before Rounds 1 & 3 only. We will be drawing questions via Speechwire. Please make sure students know their passwords and are able to log in prior to the start of draw (or it will become a very long day).
Discussion: Artifacts will be released Mon. January. 13th
ISSDA Rules will govern all other events.
36 entries maximum per school
4 entries maximum per event
Competitors MAY NOT double in Discussion or debate events
Students MAY double in Broadcasting.  
Students who are doubled in Impromptu should go to their Impromptu round LAST.  
No tripling (and quadrupling is right out)
1 judge for every 5 entries or fraction thereof.  (5 entries=1 judge, 6 entries=2 judges)
This is an e-ballot tournament, please make sure that all judges bring a device for comments and balloting. 
Team trophies for top 5 teams.
 Sweepstakes points:
Varsity: 1st=6pts, 2nd=5pts, 3rd=4pts, 4th=3pts, 5th=2pts.
Host school not eligible for team trophy
Concessions will be available in the cafeteria throughout the day.  Pizza, baked goods, soda, and many other items will be available. Please purchase concessions, it is the only way we can fund our program, this meet, and future competitions!
PARKING AND ENTRANCE:                                       
Please park on the North side of the school.  Your team may enter the building using Door 1 main entrance to Warren Central adjacent to the 18th Street Parking Lot. Bus parking is available after drop off on either side of the football field on the north end of campus.

Manager contact information

Jeff Arvin
Email address: jarvin@warren.k12.in.us
Phone number: 3179877763

Mailing address

9500 E 16th St
Indianapolis, IN 46229

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