The Summit
General information This is a High School tournament in Colorado. View manager contact information
For our tournament, we will use the following definitions for you to decide who will compete from your team and who will judge:
1.) A novice is anyone who has competed in 2 or less seasons of HS tournaments in any event.
2.) A Varsity judge can be anyone who has competed in at least 2 seasons of HS tournaments in any event.
The Public Forum Debate topic will be the November NSDA topic
The Lincoln Douglas Debate topic will be the November NSDA topic
Congress docket will be sent to all schools a week before the tournament
We are trying to train a couple of novice POs so that we may hold PO elections at the tournament. Please send the names of any novice POs you are training to us as soon as you can.
Extemp topics will be sent to all schools a week before the tournament
Students may enter ONE event. NO DOUBLING The tournament will run the events as follows with 3 total rounds.
Jenny Arens Mailing address None provided SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy