WISDAA Thespys Invitational
General information This is a High School tournament in Wisconsin. View manager contact information WISDAA Thespian Excellence Awards (Thespys): Open/Practice We are excited to invite you to participate in the Thespian Excellence Awards contest series! Participation in this contest series can be in addition to, or in lieu of the WISDAA One-Act Play series. Please visit the WISDAA Thespy webpage for more information, category summaries, and links to EdTA's rules, rubrics, etc.
Who does this contest serve?
This initial contest is a great PRACTICE opportunity for students to get feedback before the State Festival component in November with entry fees set at a reasonable $5/entry.
Thespy Open videos/files due: Oct. 23.
Thespy Open adjudication window: Oct. 24-27.
Schools must provide an adjudicator for every 4 entries or fraction thereof. A single person may cover multiple adjudicator commitments; contact office@wisdaa.org if you wish to cover multiple slots and we'll manually adjust your invoice. Uncovered adjudicator assignments are $100/each.
More information will be posted here pertaining to accessing adjudicator ballots, etc., as the registration and video link window closes.
Adam Jacobi Mailing address 1501 Saint Andrew St Ste 203 SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy