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Plymouth High School Speech Tournament

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Indiana.

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January 11, 2025

Plymouth High School

#1 Big Red Drive

Plymouth, IN 46563

Contact Eric Schaefer with questions / concerns
Cell:  219-983-2781           E-mail: eschaefer@plymouth.k12.in.us 


Greetings from Plymouth High School!

Coaches, we would like to invite you and your team to the Plymouth Speech Tournament at Plymouth High School on January 11th, 2025. 


Dual Nature of the day!

We will be holding this speech tournament in conjunction with the Northeast Indiana District Congress tournament. We ask that any schools planning to attend either tournament have all judges in attendance for an 8:00am judges’ meeting to allow us to set up judges for the Northeast District Congress in time for chamber organization. District Congress will begin as close to 8:00 am as possible. Then in regards to the speech tournament, the extemp draw is scheduled at 8:30 am and Round 1 will begin at 9:00 am. 


Our Northeast District chair, Jeff Stutzman (jstutzman@concord.k12.in.us), will be sending Northeast Indiana coaches any remaining details related to the Congress. If you have any questions, please send those to him at the email listed. 


GENERAL INFORMATION for Speech Tournament  

This is a VARSITY ONLY tournament.

  • We will offer a team total of 50 entries for sweepstakes with a cap of 6 entries in any event. 

  • Extemp draw is scheduled at 8:30am and Round 1 will begin at 9:00am.

  • We will not allow students to triple. There is also NO doubling in BOTH Extemps, and also no doubling in Discussion. 

  • We hope to have an Honor Final for any events with 12 or more entries (IF ENOUGH JUDGES ARE AVAILABLE). 

  • The top 8 speakers in every category will be recognized with the top 6 finalists receiving ribbons as well as 7th and 8th place. 

  • The top 8 teams will be recognized in a Team Sweepstake Competition. 


Event Details:

  • ALL ISSDA EVENTS will be offered and we will be following ISSDA rules with the exception of the following events: 

    • Duo and OP Duo, doublers must maintain the same partner if choosing to enter multiple Duo events.

    • Extemp speakers will draw for rounds 1 and 3. 

      • The first draw will be used for rounds 1 and 2. The second draw will be used for rounds 3 and any Final / Honor Final.

      • There is also no doubling in BOTH Extemps. 

    • Discussion - (No doubling) We will release 4 Discussion Artifacts on Monday evening prior to the tournament with Driving Questions revealed by the judges during each round at the tournament.

    • Broadcasting - 

      • Round 1 =  Cold Read / Breaking News (this will be released in round and students are given a 2 min prep to prepare). 

      • Round 2  = 5 minute news program including 45 to 60 seconds 

worth of music copy that can be used at the beginning, at the end, or divided and used as both an into and and outro of the news. (Genre/ Artist will be posted Monday before the tournament) and 45 to 60 seconds worth of commercial copy that can be placed anywhere in the 5 minute program that the student wishes. (Product for Ad will be posted Monday before the tournament). News for the tournament should come from the week prior to the day of the tournament. 

  • Round 3 = Students will prepare a 2 minute editorial ahead of time and bring your completed editorial to the tournament (Topic will be posted the Monday before the tournament). 

  • Final = 7 minute news / editorial program combining the material from rounds 2 and 3. This combination may be organized as the broadcaster wishes.


Judge Details

  • We will use 1 judge for every 5 entries plus a fraction based on the entry total.  If a school has 6 entries they will be expected to provide 2 judges. If you do not have enough judges to cover your entry PLEASE remove the appropriate number slots until you have 1 judge for every 5 entries. 

  • We will be using Speechwire, please make sure all attending judges and students have working Speechwire accounts before arrival. 

  • We will be using on-line balloting for the tournament. Coaches should register judges along with their email addresses and have an electronic device to use for completing ballots. While phones can work, it is recommended to use laptops, ipads, or their equivalent. Judges will be asked to write constructive critiques with a reason for rank along with returning scores for each speaker in their section.


Food Details

We will have food available for purchase at the tournament for competitors. We will also have a judge lounge available for your judges.  We cannot necessarily accomodate all possible dietary restrictions, but we will do our best to see what we can do and continue to live up to our past food service tradition. 


Please remain on campus and partake of what we have to offer. 


    • Individual disqualification may occur if a student is caught ordering food to our campus. 

    • Team disqualification may occur when a judge or coach is caught ordering food to our campus. 

  • Please respect the need for concessions to cover the costs of the tournament. 

  • Also, not allowing building doors to be opened throughout the day will improve the safety of our tournament! 

If any students, judges, or coaches, do have dietary restrictions, we certainly understand that they may need to bring their own lunch to the tournament.  

We just can not have deliveries coming to the school.



We are expecting a nice turn out so we must plan accordingly with our available rooms due to a building renovation. 


Thank you for understanding and we look forward to seeing you, 

Eric, Charlotte, Dan, Katie, Helena, Sarah & Jack


Important tournament rooms

Extemp Prep - 165
District Congress - Senate - 216
District Congress - House - 218
District Congress - House - 223

Manager contact information

Eric Schaefer
Email address: eschaefer@plymouth.k12.in.us
Phone number: 219-983-2781

Mailing address

#1 Big Red Drive
Plymouth, IN 46563

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