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Marian Black Book-a-thon

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This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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Dear Colleague,
You and your students are cordially invited to the 2025 Marian High School Black Book-a-thon Speech Tournament to be held on Friday, February 15, 2025. This year, we are proud to be an NIETOC bid tournament.
Please read through the information below and call or email if you have questions at: estokely@omahamarian.org OR 402-380-4896. 
Entries are due by Tuesday, Feb. 11th at 4:00 pm.
We hope you can join us, and we look forward to seeing you!
Emma Frazier and the Marian Speech Team
EVENTS: We will offer the following events with three rounds and finals: Extemporaneous, Original Oratory, DUO/Duet Acting, Informative Speaking, Impromptu Speaking, Entertainment Speaking, Humorous Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Poetry, Oral Interpretation of Drama, and Program of Oral Interpretation. Students may triple enter. Please see event rules outlined below. 
JUDGES: Please provide one judge for every five entries. There will be a fee of $15.00 per uncovered entry. Judges and names are due at the close of registration on Tuesday, Feb. 11th. at 4:00 pm. 
AWARDS: Trophies and medals will be given for the top six places. If we have enough entries, we will include honors and champ finals. Sweepstakes will be awarded to the top 3 teams.
FOOD: We will have concessions open all day. Judges and coaches will be provided food in the coach/judge lounge. 
Extemporaneous: Topics will cover both foreign and domestic issues from the news since September 2023.  Thirty minute prep time. One 4X6 note card optional.  TIME LIMIT 5 to 7min.
Original Oratory: Must be an original work of the student to inspire, persuade, and/or convince.  Limit of 150 quoted words.  Script is optional.  TIME LIMIT MAX 10.
Informative Speaking: Must be the original work of the student. This is a speech indented to inform the audience on a subject. You are allowed to use visual aids. Access to electronic visual aids will not be provided.  One 4x6 note card allowed, no script. TIME LIMIT 10 min MAX.
Entertainment speaking: Must be the original work of the student. This is a speech intended to entertain the audience. It should be structured, sources are optional. You are allowed to use visual aids. Access to electronic visual aids will not be provided. One 4x6 note card allowed, no script. TIME LIMIT 8 min MAX.
Impromptu:  Draw three topics, speak on one.  The topics will be humorous in nature and there is no need for source material. The speech should be structured and organized. Five minute prep time.  TIME LIMIT MAX 3 to 5 min. One notecard is optional.
Dramatic Interpretation:  A serious interpretation of an original cutting from prose or a play.  TIME LIMIT MAX 10 min.
Humorous Interpretation:  A humorous interpretation of an original cutting from prose or a play. TIME LIMIT MAX 10 min.
Poetry:  A serious or humorous interpretation of one or more poems.  If more than one poem is used, they must be based on either a theme or a single author. Script is required.  TIME LIMIT 6 to 8 min.
DUO Interp and Duet Acting will be combined: DUO is an original cutting from a humorous or serious play, acted out by two individuals with an off stage focus. TIME LIMIT MAX 10 min; Duet Acting allows for two classroom chairs and one table; TIME LIMIT MAX 12 min.    
Program of Oral Interp: a program of prose, poetry and drama based on a theme. At least two genres of material must be represented. Script required. TIME LIMIT MAX 10 min. 
Oral Interpretation of Drama: Three to five students interpret a scene or scenes. Script required. TIME LIMIT MAX 15.  
NSAA rules will be followed for all events.
1:30 - Registration 
2:15 - General Meeting; Extemp draw, Round 1 
2:45 - Round 1 
3:45 - Extemp draw, Round 2 
4:15 - Round 2 
5:15 - Extemp draw, Round 3 
5:45 - Round 3 
Finals will be posted ASAP 
ASAP - final round
ASAP - awards
Make checks payable to "Marian High School"
attn. Jen Christen; 7400 Military Ave; Omaha, NE  68134


Manager contact information

Emma Frazier
Email address: estokely@omahamarian.org
Phone number: 402-380-4896

Mailing address

7400 Military Ave.
ATTN: Speech Tournament
Omaha, NE 68134

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