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Millard North Novice Tournament

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General information

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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You are invited to attend the Millard North Novice Invitational on Friday Nov 1st
A novice is any student who has not competed in speech/forensics competion at the high school level prior to this year 
Events: All students may double enter, no triple entries are allowed. HI, DI, Poetry, Oratory, Informative, Entertainment, Duo Interp,  Extemp and Impromptu.
Format: We will be hosting three preliminary rounds of competition and then awards. There will not be a finals round.
Awards: Trophies will be awarded to the first and second place over all finishers and medals for third through sixth. If an event is large we will give awards ot the topo 12. There will also be a team sweepstakes award for the top two finishing teams.
Millard North students will compete and be eligible for awards. The team will not be eligible for sweepstakes. 
Judging: We ask that you bring one judge for every six entries. Judges may be qualified varsity members, but please make sure you train them on how to judge every event, how to correctly use electronic ballots, and stress the importance of lots of positive feedback and constructive criticism since this is the novice’s first tournament ever.  You are welcome to bring extra judges if you have varsity members who would like to judge.
Fees: Entries at $8.00 per entry and judge fees are $12.00 per uncovered entry/slot.
Entry Deadlines: Registration will close at 4:00pm on Wed Oct 30th
Food: There will be concessions available for purchase at the school concessions stand throughout the evening. 
If you have any question please email Sabrina Denney Bull at sdbull@mpsomaha.org

Manager contact information

Sabrina Denney Bull
Email address: sdbull@mpsomaha.org
Phone number: 4023054929

Mailing address

1010 SO 144th St
1010 SO 144th St
Omaha, NE 68154

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