Jacci Langston Wildcat Classic
General information
This is a High School tournament in Missouri. View manager contact information
You are cordially Invited to the 2024
BSHS Jacci Langston Wildcat Classic
Speech and Debate Tournament
Blue Springs High School Speech and Debate
2000 NW Ashton Dr.
Blue Springs, MO 64015
(816) 874-3400
September 6th, 2022
Dear Coach or Sponsor,
On behalf of Blue Springs HS NSDA, welcome to a new season of high school speech and debate competition. We cordially invite you and your students to compete in the annual Wildcat Classic at Blue Springs High School on October 7th and 8th, 2022.
Blue Springs High School will host the varsity portion of the tournament this year, offering the following debate events: Policy Debate, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate. In addition, we will host the following speech events: United States Extemporaneous Speaking, International Extemporaneous Speaking, Original Oratory, Informative Speaking, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Program Oral Interp.. For the novice portion, please contact Marc Baney at jbaney@bssd.net and Katie Rucinski at krucinski@bssd.net.
Please reserve your entries on speechwire by Wednesday, September 28th, by 3:00pm . In addition, please review the following important information for our 2022 tournament:
We will guarantee two entries per event and the rest will go on a waitlist. We foresee taking all entries and as we proceed and will try to take entries off the waitlist as quickly as possible. We just want to make sure we have the staff and judging to accommodate. We will also not be offering Student Congress this year, due to many factors but we will in the future. We will follow district guidance on masking at our tournament - masks will be optional. Please email or call with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Lisa Lowman & Ms. Myra Milam
Directors of Speech and Debate
Blue Springs High School
Llowman@bssd.net 816-699-5045
m.milam@bssd.net 417-839-2129
General Tournament Rules and Information:
-Do not arrive until after 2:30. We have a mess due to construction. Drop off in the front drive and buses can park across the street in the Church Parking lot or in the Student Lot on the West side of the school.
-Concessions will be available to students
-Please have students sit in the Commons.
-Tab and REgistration will be located in the Library Media Center.
Entry fees will be $8 per entry.
Schools are financially responsible for entries upon confirmation.
Students may enter two individual events and one debate event. Students may not double enter in debate events. Students may not enter both divisions of extemp. Students may not be triple entered in any individual events.
One coach needs to be able to be contacted throughout the tournament.
WiFi information will be provided to you and your students the week of the tournament.
IE tiebreakers will be:
Total Cumulative Ranks
Judge’s Preference
Debate tiebreakers will be:
Total W/L
Opp Loss
Opp Record
Overall Sweepstakes will be awarded to the top three schools
Sweepstakes will be determined using the following criteria:
5 points per win for the best two debate entries per event
10 points per quarter finals debate entry
10 points per finalist speech entry
5 points for 3rd place speech entry
10 points for 2nd place speech entry
15 points for 1st place speech entry
MSHSAA rules will always be followed. If MSHSAA has no rule, NSDA rules will be followed.
Friday, October 7th, 2021
2:45PM: Registration
3:00PM: Extemp Draw Round 1
3:30PM: Round 1 of Speech
5:00PM: Extemp Draw Round 2
5:30PM: Round 2 of Speech
7:00PM: Round 1 of Debate
8:30PM: Round 2 of Debate
Saturday, October 8th, 2021
7:30AM: Extemp Draw Semifinals
8:00AM: Semifinals Speech
9:30AM: Round 3 of Debate
11:00AM: Round 4 of Debate
12:30PM: Extemp Draw for Finals
1:00PM: Finals Speech
2:30PM: Quarter Finals of Debate
4:00PM: Awards
5:00PM Semifinals Debate
6:30PM Finals of Debate
Debate Event Rules:
Policy Debate
The resolution will be the NSDA/MSHSAA approved topic. Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its security cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in one or more of the following areas: artificial intelligence, biotechnology, cybersecurity.
We are following GKCSC guidance that students can only read files from the NDCA conference google drive folder. Please reach out with questions or concerns.
Time limits will be 8-3-5. Each team will be allowed a total of 8 minutes of prep time.
Ties will be broken by looking at win-loss, opposition loss, opposition record, and cumulative speaker points.
No maverick teams. Team personnel must remain constant throughout the tournament.
A team more than ten minutes late to a round will forfeit unless it is the fault of the tournament.
Debaters are allowed to use laptops in rounds but must follow MSHSAA guidelines.
Lincoln Douglas Debate
The resolution will be the current NSDA/MSHSAA approved topic.Resolved: The United States ought to implement a single-payer universal healthcare system. A friendly reminder, our tournament will use the NSDA September/October Lincoln-Douglas topic, NOT the novice topic.
Time limits for Lincoln Douglas debate will be: 6-3-7-3-4-6-3.
Each debater will be allowed a total of 4 minutes of prep time.
Ties will be broken by looking at win-loss, opposition loss, opposition record, and cumulative speaker points.
A debater more than ten minutes late to a round will forfeit, unless it is the fault of the tournament.
6. Debaters are allowed to use laptops in rounds but must follow MSHSAA guidelines.
Public Forum Debate
The resolution will be the current NSDA/MSHSAA approved topic. Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its investment in high-speed rail.
Time limits for Public Forum debate will be: 4-4-3-4-4-3-3-3-3-2-2.
Each team will be allowed a total of 3 minutes of prep time.
Sides will be determined by a coin flip at the start of each round.
Ties will be broken by looking at win-loss, opposition loss, opposition record, and cumulative speaker points.
No maverick teams will be allowed to debate. Team personnel must remain constant throughout the tournament.
A team more than ten minutes late to a round will forfeit unless it is the fault of the tournament.
Speech Events Rules:
Special Note: Ties will be broken by looking at cumulative ranks, judge’s preference, and reciprocals. Also, per NSDA guidelines, there will be a 30 second grace period for each speech event. If contestants exceed the grace period, they may not receive the 1 rank.
United States and International Extemporaneous Speaking: Topics will be taken from current events. A total of thirty minutes for prepping speeches will be allowed. Students should not consult with other competitors or coaches during prep time. Speeches may not exceed seven minutes. Students may not enter both divisions of extemp. Topic areas will be provided prior to the tournament, and notecards may be used but judges will use their discretion when ranking.
Original Oratory: Speeches must be the original work of the contestant. No more than 150 words may be directly quoted. Speeches must be memorized, delivered from memory, and may not exceed ten minutes. Competitors are prohibited from performing oratories used in the previous year of competition.
Informative Speaking: The informative speech must be the original work of the contestant. No more than 150 words may be in the form of a direct quotation. The contestant may not use a speech he/she performed in the previous year of competition. Visual aids may be used, but they cannot be live or electronic. The speech must be memorized. Performances may not exceed 10 minutes.
Dramatic and Humorous Interpretation: Selections must be taken from published literature (i.e., play, novel, short story, etc.). NSDA guidelines apply. Selections should possess literary merit and must be appropriate for a high school performance. The performance, including the introduction, must be memorized. Performances may not exceed ten minutes.
Duo Interpretation:. Selections must be taken from published literature (i.e., play, novel, short story, etc.). NSDA guidelines apply. Selections should possess literary merit and must be appropriate for a high school performance. The performance, including the introduction, must be memorized. Team personnel must remain constant throughout the tournament. Performances may not exceed ten minutes.
POI is a program of oral interpretation of thematically-linked selections chosen from two or three genres: prose, poetry, drama (plays). At least two pieces of literature that represent at least two separate genres must be used. Unlike the other interpretation events, Program Oral Interpretation may use multiple sources for the program. Performances may not exceed ten minutes.
Manager contact information Lisa Lowman Email address: llowman@bssd.net Phone number: 816-699-5045 Mailing address 2000 NW Ashton Drive Blue Springs, MO 64015