Wakefield Flying L Invitational
General information This is a High School tournament in Florida. View manager contact information 27th Wakefield Flying L Invitational Speech & Debate Tournament
Saturday, September 14th, 2024
The Ft Lauderdale HS Speech and Debate Team cordially invites you to the 2024 "Wakefield Flying L", honoring the memory of our former coach, Jim Wakefield.
This year, we are excited to trial a middle school division at our tournament. Please see the “Events” section below for details. Please note - Middle school events with low registration may be collapsed with High School Novice events, if necessary.
The 1996 edition of the Flying L Invitational
Please read the invitation carefully and adhere to all deadlines. Space is limited so enter as soon as possible. Last Flying L, the tournament had wait-lists that could not be cleared. Please be as accurate as possible as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Important Dates:Deadline for Registration (Entries and Judges) - Sunday September 8th 2024 @ 11:00pm
Drop Deadline - Tuesday September 10th 2024 @ 11:00pm
After September 10th, late drops will be assessed a fee.
Lincoln Douglas Debate (Novice and Varsity) **Sept-Oct Topic**
Varsity: Resolved: The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage.
Novice: Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be mandatory.
Lincoln Douglas Debate (Middle School) **Sept-Oct Topic**
Novice: Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be mandatory.
Public Forum (Novice and Varsity) **Sept/Oct. Topic**
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border.
Public Forum (Middle School) **Sept/Oct. Topic**
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border.
Congressional Debate (Novice and Varsity) HS Congress (novice and varsity) will have three rounds. Top 6 in each chamber will be recognized.
Submitting legislation: Any schools interested in submitting legislation should email debate.flhs@gmail.com with the subject line “Flying L Legislation” by Sunday 9/1/24. The legislation packet will be released shortly thereafter.
Additional Congress Information: Both Novice and Varsity divisions have 2 preliminary rounds each being roughly 2 hours long.
The bills will be provided on Speechwire under files for download and students will be given bills to choose from for each session. The first session will be domestic policy, the second will be foreign policy, and the final round for varsity only will be on the most pressing and current issues around the world right now. It is encouraged that the students attempt to debate at least 2 bills per session and attempt to fill the 2 hour block allocated for each round. The docket will be set at the tournament
Congressional Debate (Middle School)
The Middle School division will also have three rounds. Top 6 in each chamber will be recognized.
Worlds Schools Debate Prepared Motions:
The WSD competition will feature two rounds with prepared motions, and two rounds with impromptu motions. Speech All events will be 5 random rounds. NSDA rules for all except Mixed Extemp CFL guidelines. a. Dramatic Interpretation (High School/Middle School) b. Humorous Interpretation (High School/Middle School) c. Program Oral Interpretation (High School) d. Mixed Extemporaneous Speaking [CFL rules] (High School/Middle School)
US (3 rounds)
e. Informative Speaking (High School/Middle School) f. Duo Interpretation (High School/Middle School) g. Original Oratory (High School/Middle School) h. Impromptu (High School/Middle School) IMPROMPTU TOPICS:
i. Declamation (Middle School) j. Storytelling (Middle School) k. Poetry and Prose (Middle School)
Event Info
Limits: 6 entries per event; all others will be wait-listed! Any event that does not reach a 12-person (or 12-team) field by the registration deadline will be eliminated or combined.
Double Entries: Doubling is permitted in any two speech events. No doubling in a debate event.
Judge Requirements: a. 1 judge per LD/PF
b. 1 judge per 5 IE/Congress
c. LIMITED number of judges for hire at $150.00. Let us know early!
Please have all judges trained prior to the tournament. The NSDA judge training videos are a great place to send inexperienced judges.
Unless previously stated, all standard NSDA rules will be used for this tournament
Additional Tournament Info:
Lunch: Student meals are included. Student meals will be sandwich box lunches from Publix. Please specify choices with your registration. Schools not entering specific lunch choices will have turkey ordered. All judges will receive a lunch buffet. Guests need to be included in lunch plans. Everyone will need a meal ticket. The cost is $8.00. Fee adjustments will be made for judge meals not ordered to match a school's entry. Coaches, don’t forget to add yourself.
Fees: $30.00 per person per event. (meaning $60.00 per entry per team event.) This includes lunch! Double entered IE contestants may enter for a $5 charge. Entries close on Monday September 18th at 3pm. Under-registered events will be announced that same day. Wait-listed students will be notified of their status as soon as possible. Drops will lose entry fee and judge meal fees beginning Sept 10th. Day of tournament drops will be $60.00!
Please make school checks payable to Ft Lauderdale H.S. Speech and Debate. Please limit personal checks.
Times: Upstairs Cafeteria Registration will begin at 7:00am and end promptly at 8:00am. All judges should report to the registration area. Students may congregate in the Cafeteria Courtyard or Cafeteria itself. Extemp draw room location TBD. Postings will be in the cafeteria area.
Directions: Interstate 95 to Sunrise Blvd. Go East on Sunrise to NE 4th Ave (Flying L Drive). Go North to 16th St. The school is on the right. Parking will be in the lots closest to the school.
Host contact information Arthur Kulawik, Coach Email address: arthur.kulawik@browardschools.com Cell phone number: (954) 682-2443 (feel free to text) Classroom phone (7:20am-3:00pm) : (754) 322-1119
Mailing and GPS address:
1600 NE 4th Ave Ft Lauderdale, FL 33305
Arthur Kulawik Mailing address 1600 NE 4th Ave SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy