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Elkhorn North Howler

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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***UPDATE 2/23/24***
We are proud to announce that we will now be a NIETOC bid tournament!
***UPDATE 2/23/24***
Elkhorn North High School is pleased to invite you to join us for our Speech tournament on Friday, March 1, 2024, at ELKHORN NORTH HIGH School beginning at 3:00pm. 
We plan to offer eleven events (Duet/Duo, Informative, Persuasive, Entertainment, Extemporaneous, Humorous, Dramatic, Poetry, OID, and Impromptu. 
Event Specific Info:
EXTEMP: We will be running a 30-minute Extemp draw. 
DUO/Duet: We will be combining these two events and the event will have a 12-minute time limit
OID: We will be allowing up to 15 minutes for OID to accommodate all classes.
We will have a well-stocked hospitality room, and traditional concession stand foods, including hotdogs and pizza.
All competitors will compete in the same division, but we will award the top novice in each event.  We also plan to award team sweepstakes trophies for 1st-3rd.  
We’re looking forward to hosting a fun tournament.  
Feel free to email us with any questions: tconnelly@epsne.org & jmosby@epsne.org 
Tomi Connelly                           Jaimie Mosby  
Head Speech Coach                 Head Speech Coach
Elkhorn North High School        Elkhorn High School


Manager contact information

Tomi Connelly & Jaimie Mosby
Email address: jmosby@epsne.org
Phone number: (402) 650-6217

Mailing address

17800 George Miller Pkwy
Omaha, NE 68116

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