Meridian Speech Meet
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Nebraska. View manager contact information Welcome to the Meridian Mustang speech Invite! Let me know if you have any questions! aleibel@fairburyjeffs.org 402-587-2699 Here is information I have sent out via email, in case you did not recieve it, I published it below: Good afternoon. I hope this email reaches you in good spirits.
The plan is to charge $8 per entry. Coaches, if you need to get in your $$ to your secretaries, just take your entries and multiply it by 8. We would like entries put in by Thursday at noon.
All entries will be varsity entries this week. No novice rounds.
We will be offering humorous impromptu this year! Please feel free to enter your students in this! More details will be coming about how this event will run. I will send those on ASAP.
Mr. Kort, Trish, and Lori are working on organizing hospitality rooms, and concessions for students. I want to continue to thank them for helping make this happen this year, and letting us continue this speech meet.
Schedule for the day will look like this:
Registration: 8am.
Drop Add Meeting: 8:45am
Round 1 Flight A: 9:00am: ENT, POE, SER, PER, OID, IMPROMPTU
Round 1 Flight B: 10:15am: EX Speak (draw 1 hour before), DA, INF, HUM, POI,
Round 2 Flight A: 11:30am
Round 2 Flight B: 12:45pm
Round 3 Flight A: 2:00pm
Round 3 Flight B: 3:15pm
Awards ASAP: Plan is to start around 5:00pm.
Thank you! See you all Saturday!
Aaron Leibel Mailing address 72380 560th Avenue SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy