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Webb City Novice Tournament

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Missouri.

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Tournament Schedule


Friday January 19, 2024

*If arriving earlier than registration time, please let the host school know in advance.

Carthage                                                                 Webb City

2:00 – 3:00 Registration in Commons 1:30-2:30 Registration in Dome

3:15             Extemp Draw                                   3:00                 Extemp Draw Round 1

3:45             Round 1 Individual Events 3:30 Round 1 IEs

4:45             Extemp Draw             4:45             Extemp Draw Round 2

5:15             Round 2 of Individual Events             5:15             Round 2 IEs

7:00             Round 1 of Debate                          7:00                 Round 1 Debate

8:30             Round 2 of Debate 8:30             Round 2 Debate



Saturday January 20, 2024

Carthage                                                                  Webb City

7:30             Extemp Draw                                   8:00 Extemp Draw

8:00             Semifinals Individual Events           8:30 Semifinals IE’s

9:30           Round 3 Debate                                10:00   Round 3 Debate

11:00           Round 4 Debate                                11:30   Round 4 Debate

12:30             Extemp Draw                                  1:00 Extemp Draw  

1:00             Finals Individual Events                   1:30 Finals IEs

2:30             Quarterfinals Debate                        3:00 Quarterfinals Debate

5:00             Awards @ Webb City                      5:00 Awards @ Webb City

6:00             Semifinals Debate                            6:00 Semifinals Debate

7:30             Finals Debate                                   7:30 Finals Debate





Debate Win                                      5 points

Qualify for Quarterfinals                 15 points

I.E. Break to Sems                          5 points

I.E. Break to Finals                          10 points

Trophy Points                                  1st - 15 points

                                                            2nd - 10 points

                                                            3rd - 5 points



General Tournament Rules


  1. Each school must be accompanied by a school approved adult sponsor.

  2. A school may enter two contestants in each event with extra entries based on space.

  3. A student may enter 2 individual events (but only 1 division of extemp) and 1 form of debate. Pre-Recorded Radio will not count against a student's entry total.

  4. A novice shall be defined as a student in his/her first year of competition.

  5. Trophies will be awarded to the top 6 places in I.E.’s and the top 4 in debate. Sweepstakes will be awarded to the top 3 schools.     

  6. Coaches may be used as judges if the tournament is in need in order to run on time or if schools fail to supply the required number of judges.  At the novice level, a student that has met the NSDA’s minimum requirements to judge may be used. 

  7. No refund for cancellations will be made after Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 3:00 pm. Any drops or additions (if they are granted) are still to be paid to the host school.

  8. Webb City and Carthage High School regulations apply for all schools participating in the tournament. The regulations strictly forbid any tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, and any form of weaponry.

  9. Due to past vandalism to the school, all participants are asked to remain inside the building at all times unless loading or unloading buses and in the commons when not competing.

  10. No food or drink should leave the commons unless it is WATER. Hospitality will be provided for judges.

  11. PLEASE CALL IN ALL DROPS BY NOON on Friday, January 19, 2024!!! Please do not drop at registration. 

  12. At Carthage, students must stay in the commons area until 3:15 pm Friday.  Extemp draw is accessible from the commons area.  At Webb City, students must stay in the Dome area until 3:00 pm Friday.  Extemp draw will be dismissed at 2:30 pm and escorted to the Cardinal Theatre.


Individual Events Rules

MSHSAA rules apply for all MSHSAA events and NSDA rules apply for POI.


  1. Extemp: Topics will be current events on national and international issues.  Time limit is 7 min. No notes/cards may be used during speeches.  A student may not be entered in both IX and USX.

  2. Oratory: The speech must be written by the student. It must be memorized.  Time limit is 10 min. No more than 150 words may be direct quotations. 

  3. Humorous/Dramatic Interpretation:  Selections may be taken from any published novel, play, or short story. Selections must possess literary merit and be in good taste. Selections must be memorized. An adequate introduction should be provided. Time limit: 10 minutes. 

  4. POI: Pieces should follow the current NSDA rules. Selections must have an introduction and be in good taste while combining 2 or more genres from prose, poetry, and/or drama. Time limit: 10 minutes.

  5. Info:The speech must be the original work of the student. A visual aid may be used, but is not required. See MSHSAA rules for visual aids on page 39 of the manual. The presentation must be memorized. Time limit: 10 minutes. 

  6. DUO: This is not duet acting. Selections should follow all MSHSAA rules and be from any appropriate novel, short story, or play. Performances should be memorized, use offstage focus, and performers should not touch. Time limit: 10 minutes.

  7. Prose/Poetry: Novice students may choose to perform either a prose selection or a poetry selection in the rounds of competition. MSHSAA rules concerning both should be followed. POI selections will NOT be allowed. Time limit: 8 minutes.

  8. Storytelling: Must be narrated in the student’s own words; the student must SIT in a tournament provided chair for the performance. Story should be intended for children. Time limit is 8 minutes.

  9. Pre-Recorded Radio- Audio uploads due on Speechwire by 3:00pm Tuesday, January 16th. All MSHSAA rules apply (no commercials, no multiple characters, etc.) except that microphones are acceptable. If the judge cannot open the file, the contestant will receive last in the room. Saving the file as an MP3 to google drive with the settings set to “anyone can view” is the suggested method. Judges may be using Chromebooks, PCs, or Macs.  


Debate Rules


  1. LD: We will use the resolution for January/February announced on Dec. 1.

  2. Public Forum: We will use the January topic announced on Dec. 1.

  3. BQ: We will use the 2023-2024 NSDA topic.

  4. All MSHSAA/NSDA rules concerning laptops, internet usage, and evidence will be followed.

  5. Debaters may not be entered in more than one type of debate.

  6. Any team more than 10 minutes late for a round will forfeit, unless the tournament is responsible. Any team disqualified for any reason will result in a win for the opposition.

  7. No visual aids will be allowed in a debate round.

  8. A PF team is composed of 2 people and will have the opportunity to debate both sides of the resolution.  Debate team personnel must remain constant throughout the tournament.  In the event of an illness or other issue, a team may continue to debate should personnel change but will not be eligible for advancement from preliminary competition.

  9. BQ will utilize a 1vs 1 format; no two person teams may be entered.

  10. After preliminary rounds, the top 8 teams will advance to quarterfinals.

    1. Breaks for PF will be as follows: Win-Loss, Speaker Points, Loss Opp, Total Opp record, and Opp Opp record.

    2. For LD and BQ, breaks will be as follows: Win-Loss, Loss Opp, Total Opp record, Opp Opp record.

Manager contact information

Hallie Harper
Email address: hharper@wcr7.org
Phone number: 6606313905

Mailing address

621 N. Madison
Webb City, MO 64870

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