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Colorado Grande NSDA Rules

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This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Colorado.

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NSDA Rules Tournament at Liberty High School on December 2, 2023


Deadlines: Registration will open on Speechwire next week. Register on Speechwire.com by NOON November 29 so we can figure out rooms and food. We are just doing one registration deadline; what is registered on November 29 is what you will pay for. We will not take any day of adds. Because this is practice for NSDA Quals, you MUST enter titles and authors for interp students and TOPICS for OO and INFO. Do NOT forget this step, and it MUST be done when you register your students, so be sure you are getting their titles and authors now.


Events: We will offer the following: 

  • Main Events -  PF, LD, USX, IX, OO, INFO, DI, HI, DUO, POI. 

  • Supplemental Events (2 rounds) - WSD, Extemp Debate, Impromptu, and Storytelling 

  • We must have a minimum of 5 entries to run an event. 


Doubling: Students may compete in a max of THREE events (TWO Main Events and ONE Supplemental Event) with the following limitations: students may do ONE Main Event debate (LD or PF); students may do ONE extemp (USX or FX); students may do ONE Main Event solo interp (DI, HI, or POI); students may do ONE prepared speech (OO or INF). Students may do ONE Supplemental Event. 


Fees: PF and WSD teams- $15.00; LD- $15.00; DI, HI, OO, US, IX, INFO, POI, Extemp Debate, Impromptu, and Storytelling- $10.00; DUO-$15, Please make checks out to Colorado Grande NSDA.  Remember, your school dues need to be paid to the NSDA for you to come to this tournament, but as it is so early in the year, individual students do NOT have to be members yet.


Committee Decision: As you know, we need coaches to run meets.  We understand that December Saturdays are at a premium, but due to liability and other issues, your students cannot attend if you or another OFFICIAL coach from your school isn’t present. Each school must provide one OFFICIAL coach to work the tournament as a judge or worker in another area. If a school brings two coaches, the second coach can count toward that school’s judge quotas (see below). 


Registration: Registration will take place from 7:00 to 7:30 a.m.  If you are running late, please text me to let me know if you have any drops. 


Schedule: We are doing things a little differently this year to let students experience some different events. While we won’t know until registration closes what the schedule will look like (we’ll send tentative waves when we figure out doublers), this is the basic schedule we will try to stick to; of course, if we can run things early, we will. 


Round 1 A – 8:00
Round 1 B – 9:30
Supps – 11:00
Round 2 A – 12:30
Round 2 B – 2:00
Supps – 3:30
Round 3 A – 5:00
Round 3 B – 6:30
Awards 7:30 


Awards: The purpose for this tournament is to give students an opportunity to “practice” procedures and rules BEFORE Nat Quals, so we will use the doubling and pairing rules that will be used at Nat Quals. As such, we will not run finals. Rather, students who place in the equivalent of finals and semis (if an event has enough entries that there would be semis at quals) after prelim rounds will receive ribbons.


Judges:  Here’s the bottom line:

  1. Anyone who enters an LDer must provide an LD judge. Anyone who enters PF must provide a PF judge.

  2. In addition to the official coach on site, schools must provide 1 judge for every 2 debate entries and 1 judge for every 5 event entries. Failure to provide a judge will result in a $50 fine/judge. Note: the coach on site may cover 1 debate entry OR 2 event entries providing they are willing and available to judge. 

  1. We pay judges! If any of you have any extra judges available to bring, we need them! They will be paid $10.00 per round.

  2. Judges must be at least two years out of high school and must be trained. 


Rules: Please remind your students that the rules for NSDA are different.  That’s why we have a practice tournament.  The major differences are highlighted below:

  1. Extempers will be penalized for using a notecard.  Files will be checked.

  2. DI, HI, DUO, OO, INFO will be penalized for using a script; POI must use a script. Interp cuttings (other than POI) must come from only one source.

  3. There is no poetry.  

  4. POI students must have a full, printed bibliography with them in each round and available for tournament officials.



The topic for the Public Forum Debate is Resolved: The United States federal government should forgive all federal student loan debt.


The topic for LD is Resolved: The United States ought to prohibit the extraction of fossil fuels from federal public lands and waters.


The TWO prepared motions for WSD (teams should prepare both sides): 

This House regrets Ukraine signing the Budapest Memorandum. 

This House supports a 4-day work week.


Food: As always lunch is provided for the coaches and the judges. We will send more info about student food closer to the date. 


Can’t wait to see you all!



Manager contact information

Renee Motter
Email address: renee.motter@asd20.org
Phone number: 7193103809

Mailing address

Colorado Grande
4934 Harvest Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80917

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