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Richards Saturday Morning Smackdown (CANCELED)

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Illinois.

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The Richards Speech Team proudly invites you to the sixth annual Saturday Morning Smackdown! The tournament will be held on Saturday, January 13th, 2024 at Richards High School (Oak Lawn). Prepare your students for the State Series by competing at the year's most electrifying speech tournament.
The tournament will consist of three rounds, where competitor's in each event will compete twice, with one round double-judged. 
All teams max entries per event are currently set at 3. If you wish to add another entry beyond 3, you may add them to the waiting list. In order to stay within our limit of rooms, we are going to hold at a hard cap of 4 for every event. Once again, you may enter students on the waitlist, and I will make any decisions based on the numbers we are seeing in the weeks leading up to the tournament. I'd like to do everything in my power to avoid a 4 round tournament, and to avoid rounds of more than 7.
We will have a full concession setup available. 
We are still considering next-in final rounds.
Radio and Extemp will each prep once for prelims, and again for finals. Each team's top two scores in all events decides the top five Smackdown Team finishes.
The fee system is set as follows:
0-28 entries: $175
29-42 entries: $200
43+ entries: $225
(1 Judge required for every 5 entries)
More information will be available as the date approaches. Please email connor.reynolds@chsd218.org if you have any other questions. 
Other details and information should be available on Speechwire.


Manager contact information

Connor Reynolds
Email address: connor.reynolds@chsd218.org
Phone number: 708-519-0280

Mailing address

10601 S. Central Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

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