GlenOak Debate Tournament
General information This information is from a tournament in a past season! This is a High School tournament in Ohio. View manager contact information
We are pleased to invite you and your debaters to the 2023 GlenOak Debate Tournament!
Our tournament will be held at GlenOak High School on Friday, December 15th and Saturday, December 16th.
We plan to run the following:
LD/PF - 6 prelims, break to doubles
2P - 4 prelims, break to semis
CONG - 3 prelims, semis, finals
We will use OSDA congress legislation. Legislation breakdown is posted under Files for Download.
For our planning purposes, please enter your numbers by Friday, December 1st.
Judges: Please provide the required number of judges for each day. It is $30/missing judge each day. Please mark judge unavailability in time blocks and enter a comment with the judge's availability. If the judge can judge more than the event they are entered for, please add a comment with the other events they can judge.
Hired judges: This year we are connecting teams in need with judges. Complete this form if you would like connected with a judge. Note: Teams are responsible for arranging payment and judges are first come first serve.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out and we hope to see you in December!
The GlenOak Coaching Staff,
Megan Rea
Tom Mosberger
Abby Henry
Sam Alhadid
Lauren Nieporte
Megan Rea Mailing address 1801 Schneider St NE SpeechWire Tournament Services - Copyright 2004-2024 Ben Stewart. All Rights Reserved. Terms of use - Privacy and Security Policy