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DebateBroward MAST #1

General informationSchematicsFiles for downloadTournament scheduleFeesRegistration handbook

General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a Middle School tournament in Florida.

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Welcome back coaches! Our first tournament is here! September 19th at Stoneman Douglas High School!
Please follow the instructions on this page to register your entries. Remember, each school may only initially enter FIVE students in all events except Congress, in which you can enter TEN.
You need 1 judge for every 5 speech entries, 1 judge for every 5 congress entries and 1 judge for every two debate entries.
Registration for NEW ENTRIES will close on Friday, September 15th at 5 pm. At that time as many students will be released from the waitlist as judge numbers allow. Changes (drops or name changes) can be made until 12 pm on September 19th. Any changes after that, please text Janell McLeod: 954-347-1235 the school name, student who is dropping, and her/his event. 
Don't forget to click the tab to pre-order pizza ($12 per pie) for your competitors. There will be snacks, drinks and pizza for purchase (cash only).
You MUST arrive for the tournament between 1:30 pm and 2:00 pm. If you arrive after 2:00 pm you will not be allowed to enter until after 3 pm. 
Everyone will stay in the cafeteria until Stoneman Douglas has dismissed and round 1 is ready to begin (hopefully around 3:15 pm). The judge lounge will be in the media center.
For PF, the September topic will be used - Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its military presence in the Arctic.
For LD, the September/October topic will be used - Resolved: The United States ought to guarantee the right to housing.  (Please note that we are NO LONGER using the Novice "civil disobedience" topic).
For Policy Debate, the 2022-23 topic will be used - Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income. In addition, at the MASTs all teams MUST use the Novice Policy Packet. The Novice Policy Packet can be accessed at the NDCA website: http://www.debatecoaches.org/
Extemp topic areas will be "AI in the classroom" and "Weather Phenomenon"
Congress legislation for the September tournament was emailed to all coaches. It is also accessible electronically here under the "Files for Download" section.  As always, chambers might not debate all 4 bills if time does not allow.
Please see important information regarding safety and security at MSD:

-Every student must wear their school ID during the entire tournament (except while performing in competition rounds, IDs should be put back on after performing).

-All students will go through an MSD security check before going to the assigned holding room on the MSD campus (usually the auditorium or directly to the cafeteria).

-Buses will pick you up in the same bus loop where they drop you off on the south side of the school, NOT in the north parking lot. Parents CANNOT pick up their students in the south bus loop, students should only be picked up by a parent outside the North or East gates. -Parent judges who are not riding the bus with you need to arrive at Stoneman Douglas between 1:30 and 2:00. They'll park in the North senior parking lot off of Holmberg Rd. They need to avoid parking in the area marked in red on the attached map. DO NOT park where the band practices. Parents will then be escorted to the single point of entry to check in and get a visitor sticker/badge, and then to the media center to check in as judges.

-Judges/Coaches should not be propping any gate or escorting parents onto campus after the tournament has begun, all visitors should have come through security during the prearranged time.

-Coaches should escort students being picked up to the North and East gates, parents should not come through any gates to pick up their student.


More information may be sent out as the tournament approaches. Please let your mentor know if you have any questions.

Manager contact information

Janell McLeod
Email address: janell.mcleod@browardschools.com
Phone number: 954-347-1235

Mailing address

Stoneman Douglas High School
5901 Pine Island Rd.
Parkland, FL 33076

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