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Jon Schamber High School Invitational

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This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in California.

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Congratulations to the following students who broke in debate events!

Novice Public Forum Quarterfinal round
Advancing entries

AI03 Srihita Gadiraju and Rathna Adusumalli
AI02 Andrea Trijo and Akshayan Arasan
AM02 Vibhor Singhai and Krish Ambalam Jagadish
AI06 Bhargav Malyala and Aditya Shinde
AY04 Warren Lam and Derek Tang

Open Lincoln Douglas Debate Octafinal round
Advancing entries

BB05 Armita Shahmohammadi Arani
BB01 Mia Dzoan
AM01 Calvin Fisher
BB02 Meera Iyer
AI01 Shreeya Ram
BB04 Harshini Sanjay
AI02 Harshitha Sheshala
BB06 Aarzu Singh
BB07 Reeana Srivastava
BB08 Jett Stevens

Open Parliamentary Debate Quarterfinal round
Advancing entries

AM01 Bryan Nasr and Shivang Dhaulakhandi
BB03 Anisha Pallikonda and Varsha Meda
AG01 Husam Ramadan and Shiv Mehotra-Varma
BB04 Hope Ott and Aayra Sharma
BB01 Diya Bhat and Eshaal Syed
BB05 Riya Pallikonda and Susanna Yonas

Open Policy Debate Semifinal round
Advancing entries

AR01 Kunal Gaikwad and Tanav Doddapuneni
AG03 Majed Almasri and Tanish Gurani
AG02 Isabelle D`Mello and Peyton Karpenko
AG01 Nikhil Nair and Jaiyen Shetty

Open Public Forum Debate Octafinal round
Advancing entries

AS01 Raihan Wicaksono and Sweekrit Bhatnagar
AR02 Priya Pabbathi and Sofia Bye
AL01 Jocelyn Avila and Kyara Vivanco Cortes
AK01 Ahana Raghavan and Anya Gopalakrishnan
AM01 Pranav Pradeep and Arnav Mahendra
AR01 Citlali Clarke and Sebastian Perrin
AB01 Amogh Janganure and Rohin Prashanth
AE01 Armaan Sharma and Anushree Samsi
AG01 Luke Wong and Neil Shah
AY02 Harini Penumuchu and Shivani Swaminathan
AW01 He Song and Kierra Wang

Congratulations to the following students who broke in speech events!
Novice Extemporaneous Speaking Final round
Advancing entries

Majed Almasri
Miraj Amiri
Kyara Vivanco Cortes
Angad Dulai
Alyssa Misa
Trevor Thy

Novice Humorous Interpretation Final round
Advancing entries

Ryle Alvarez
Nikolas Hill-Chavez
Justin Huang
Jonathan Lainez
Nitish Nattudurai

Novice Impromptu Speaking Final round
Advancing entries

Lisa Contreras
Mia Dzoan
Sarah Holland
Avyaya Kumar
Rebecca Lavond
Anuskha Parekh
Jaydon Spears

Novice Informative Speaking Final round
Advancing entries

Hendry Armstrong
Anvika Bhatnagar
Olivia Craighead
Selina Nidhiri
Alisa Solnit

Novice Original Oratory Final round
Advancing entries

Ibrahim Ahmad
Isabelle D`Mello
Rebecca Lavond
Kashish Manglani
Juli Rady

Open Declamation Final round
Advancing entries

Shreeya Ram
Husam Ramadan
Anoshka Rao
Saivi Sahijpal
anvitha Samineni
Elza Yacob
Luthfa Zaceria

Open Dramatic Interpretation Final round
Advancing entries

Adriana Perez Aguirre
Awesta Amiri
Sophie Paige Javier
Martin Lee
Nicanor Maina
Jacob Nguyen
Ruby Pena

Open Duo Interpretation Final round
Advancing entries

Kelly Bennett and Ryle Alvarez
Noah Martinez and Emily Fortunak
Litanie Mendiola and Giovanni Galli
Lauren Newkirk and Alex Newkirk
Andrew Hernandez and Hope Ott
Maxim Khade and Lexi Thor

Open Extemporaneous Speaking Final round
Advancing entries

Anjana Bharathiraja
Neil Shah
Aarzu Singh
Luke Wong

Open Humorous Interpretation Final round
Advancing entries

Emily Fortunak
Marvin Huber
Noah Martinez
Aarush Narayanan
Kinnera Lekha Potluri

Open Impromptu Speaking Final round
Advancing entries

Kyara Vivanco Cortes
Nicole Hou
Shreya Lakshmanan
Shreeya Ram
Sidharth Sanegepalli
Harshini Sanjay
Harshitha Sheshala

Open Original Oratory Final round
Advancing entries

Anjana Bharathiraja
Saanya Bhasin
Varsha Meda
Jacob Nguyen
Riya Pallikonda
Rohan Tyagi
Devin Wu

Open Original Prose Poetry Final round
Advancing entries

Saanya Bhasin
Kayla Cerda
Emily Fortunak

Please remember that you are committed to judging even if your students did not break as you are helping make an excellent experience for other students as folks would do for yours.





Jon Schamber High School Invitational 2023

The University of the Pacific Speech and Debate team cordially invites your team to attend the 42nd annual Jon Schamber High School Forensics Tournament on Friday, October 27 through Sunday, October 29, 2023. The tournament will feature the following events:


  • CX Debate
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate
  • Parliamentary Debate (NPDL Rankings Tournament)

Individual Events (TOC & NIET TOC QUALIFIERS)

  • Declamation (formerly Oratorical Interpretation)
  • Dramatic Interpretation
  • Duo Interpretation
  • Extemporaneous Speaking (Combined National & International Topics)
  • Humorous Interp
  • Impromptu
  • Informative Speaking
  • Original Oratory
  • Original Prose Poetry
  • Programmed Oral Interpretation
  • Podcasting

We also offer Triathlon, which allows schools to triple enter up to six students in Individual Events.


Awards: Awards will be presented to all elimination round competitors. Speaker awards will be presented to the top three debaters in all divisions as well as the top three speakers in both divisions of Triathlon. The top two high schools with eleven or more contestants entered and the top two high schools with ten or fewer contestants entered will be honored with sweepstakes awards. In addition, the traveling sweepstakes trophy will be presented to the school that has accumulated the highest number of sweepstakes points over the years that the tournament has been offered on our campus. The members of Pacific Speech and Debate are looking forward to seeing your squad in October. We hope to see you here!


Prof. Steven Kalani Farias

Director of Forensics

University of the Pacific


(209) 946-3050 // (209) 471-6470

Jon Schamber High School Invitational 2023 Schedule (times subject to change)




12:00-1:15 PM: Registration and Lunch for competitors

1:45 PM LD ROUND 1 (NO Piggy Back)

3:00 PM LD ROUND 2 (NO Piggy Back)

4:15 PM LD ROUND 3 (NO Piggy Back)

5:15 PM LD ROUND 4 (NO Piggy Back)

6:15 PM LD ROUND 5 (NO Piggy Back)




8:05 AMTEAM DEBATE RD 1 (Parli Announce at 8:20)


10:45 AM TEAM DEBATE RD 2 (Parli Announce at 11:10)



2:30 PM TEAM DEBATE RD 3 (Parli Announce at 2:55)


5:15 PM TEAM DEBATE RD 4 (Parli Announce at 5:40)

6:40 PM TEAM DEBATE RD 5 (Parli Annonce at 7:10)

















Pacific's COVID-19 health and safety plan is based upon the current guidance issued by the California Occupational Health and Safety Administration (Cal/OSHA), State of California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More information about Pacific’s guidelines can be accessed here: https://www.pacific.edu/covid-19-update


All Pacific students and employees are required to be up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations. This includes primary doses of vaccines, as well as any boosters that are recommended for individuals based on their eligibility.


Pacific students and employees are expected to follow all local requirements regarding facial coverings. The California Department of Public Health and the US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention also recommend facial coverings and other precautions based upon COVID-19 Community Level. Facial Coverings at Pacific are optional unless you are visiting health care settings. They are mandatory for close contacts who have been exposed to COVID-19.


Beyond this, all protocols that are in place for your own school should be followed while on University of the Pacific’s campus. If you feel sick or unwell we encourage you to stay home, return home, and we will do our best to refund/not charge any fees due to Covid drops.




As a tournament, we will follow the harassment policy stated below ON TOP OF our own institutions harassment policy:


The California High School Speech Association is committed to providing its participants, judges, coaches, and members the opportunity to pursue excellence in their endeavors. This opportunity can exist only when each member of our community is assured an atmosphere of mutual respect. CHSSA is committed to maintaining an environment that is free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. Accordingly, all forms of harassment and discrimination are prohibited, whether committed by participants, judges, coaches, or observers. CHSSA is committed to the enforcement of this policy. Individuals who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to the full range of sanctions, up to and including removal from the tournament premises and prosecution by authorities. Any individual or group of individuals who believes they have been a victim of harassment and/or discrimination should report it to the Help Desk or appropriate authority immediately.



A waiver and guidelines form will be circulated for competitors, judges, and all other participants. We would ask that everyone you enter in our tournament read and agree to follow these procedures. We encourage your participants to respect these policies and we ask you to engage with respect, empathy, and fairness. Participants who do not respect this or refuse to agree will be disqualified from participation.



Two-party consent is required for the recording of a live debate round. Students and Judges are allowed to clarify at any point in the round that the recording/live streaming should stop. Any violation of this rule could result in disqualification.

Recording of IE rounds being judged is prohibited.



Write this number down and put it in your wallet: 209-471-6470 (Prof. Farias’ cell). We would appreciate it if you called this number as soon as you find out about emergency last minute drops, especially if you have LD entries or you are an IE-only school. You should also call if an issue arises during the tournament. Before the tournament, you can feel free to reach out as well, however I may take a few days to respond. We look forward to hosting this event, seeing all of you IN PERSON, and we hope you like the new schedule.





School Fee $75.00

Per Student Fee- $5.00

CX/Parli/Public Forum Teams $90.00

Lincoln-Douglas $60.00

Individual Events Slots $15.00 each.

Triathlon $15.00 (on top of entry fee)

Uncovered teams $225.00 each team (on top of entry fee)

Uncovered IEs $45.00 each slot (on top of entry fee)

Uncovered L/D $150.00 each entry (on top of entry fee)





For transparency, some changes to add hospitality and care for students, judges, and coaches meant that our fees increased. Those hospitality include a lounge with coffee and snacks in the morning, lunch for students on Friday & Saturday, hired judges to provide relief from over-assignment, and hopefully another catered lunch for parents and coaches on Saturday. We understand that sometimes fees can be cumbersome but we hope your students and parents appreciate the hospitality adds. If the fees are too cumbersome, please contact us and we can discuss how to make the tournament accessible for you and your team.


Although we do not charge for adds or drops after the entry date. Fees will be assessed as of Wednesday, October 25th at Noon. This means that we will take drops and adds, but as of Wednesday at Noon, drops will not decrease your fees in order to best prepare for hiring judges. Adds will increase your fees. This is done so that we can properly hire and allocate judging for the weekend.

Drops for COVID-19 and requisite fees will be handled on a case-by-case basis.



A competitor in Novice division is a competitor in their first two years of competition combined at either the middle-school or high-school level. However, any student who reached elimination rounds at either the CHSSA middle-school or high-school tournaments must enter senior division.


Any competitor may enter Open division. A competitor who is a Junior or Senior with competitive experience prior to the current academic year must enter Open division. A Novice division competitor competing with a Open division partner must be entered in Open division. A Parliamentary debater must enter in Open division if they would normally be required to enter the Open division of CX, Extemp, or Impromptu under these guidelines.



Each school must provide a judge for every 2 debate entries and a judge for every 6 IE entries to avoid judging fees. We will be relying on judges brought by the high schools during a majority of rounds. A debate judge may cover LD and either CX or Public Forum/Parliamentary Debate. A judge covering two debate teams will be required to judge at least four preliminary rounds of debate. A judge covering six IE entries will be required to judge at least two preliminary rounds of individual events. Schools must provide judges for one full round beyond the elimination of their contestants from competitions—please remind the people you enter as judges.


What does this mean to you? A judge covering two debate teams will be expected to be present for both days of team debate. A judge covering six individual events will be expected to be present for both Saturday and Sunday elimination rounds.


Thus, if your judges are there on Saturday, and your team does not advance, we will STILL expect them to be there on Sunday for the elimination rounds. Concomitantly, if your student does not advance to the semi-final or the final round in individual events, the judge is still 052committed for Sunday because that is one round past elimination. Should your judge not be available all three days, we will credit your commitment for what time they are there and charge you for the remainder of your commitment.



The tournament will exclusively use http://www.speechwire.com. Entries should be completed by 11:00 PM on Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Drops and name changes (but no adds) can be made until Thursday, October 26, 2023. ALL FEES (judging and entry) will accrue as of Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 12:00 PM NOON.


Competitors may enter in both Debate and Speech events but are responsible for arriving to their rounds on time. Failure to do so could result in forfeiting a round. Competitors may only enter in a single debate event and may enter in NO MORE than three speech events. Competitors entered in Policy Debate may not enter in speech.



  1. Put full name and indicate what you intend for them to cover.
  2. Provide email and phone number for each judge
  3. A judge can cover LD Debate and EITHER CX or Parli/PoFo.
  4. One judge also can cover up to six individual event or Duo slots per conflict pattern.
  5. Also, indicate the events and days they can judge, and be sure to note any conflicts of interest or preferred divisions.

Example judge entries:

1) J. Doe, jdoe@gmail.com, 209-867-5309, Covering Parli and IE's, Available Saturday and Sunday, Prefers Open.


NOTE- The tournament will return to hiring judges for the weekend and may use qualified college students to judge speaking and/or debate events (qualifications pending). However, we would prefer schools cover their judging to minimize the amount of hiring and to keep fees low. We have tried to lower fees to accommodate schools and difficult moments for budget; however, the amount of uncovered fees has been increased to accommodate hired judging.


NOTE- We will be using digital ballots for ALL EVENTS so please make sure that your judges have a laptop, tablet, or cell phone they can use to access their ballot and record their results. We will have a few extra laptops for data entry but the tournament will move faster if we can quickly handle all judging responsibilities.





We encourage all participants to familiarize themselves with the updated rules of the California High School Speech Association and the National Speech and Debate Association (provided via the documents on SpeechWire and our independent tournament website). Concerns and, when necessary, protests must be brought to the attention of the Tournament Director as soon as possible after an alleged infraction of a rule has taken place. As much as we can, we will follow CHSSA State Tournament event and tabbing rules for our tournament. However, the tournament invite will dictate the rules for the tournament. If it is NOT in the invite, the Tournament Director is the final arbiter for all alleged violations.


Computers & Internet

Debaters shall be allowed access to computers during preparation time and during the round after preparation time has ended. Debaters shall be allowed to use their computer to prepare arguments and ARE ENCOURAGED to only use materials prepared during prep time by either them or their partner. During preparation time, debaters may consult both physical and electronic copies of any written material, including both prepared notes and published sources. Debaters may use computers, as well as flash drives and external hard drives, to store and to retrieve written material. Debaters MAY use their phone and MAY ACCESS the internet during preparation time. All other guidelines as established by CHSSA should be reviewed by all coaches and students (The guidelines are uploaded in the documents folder on SpeechWire along with our tournament website).



Evidence rules require that all students have evidence immediately ready to go when requested. If evidence is paraphrased, it is required that the competitor has the specific text from the original source which is being paraphrased clearly indicated and immediately available. If it takes teams more than one minute to find and send evidence that is requested, the team looking for the evidence must take preparation time to find it. Any reading of evidence produced at a team’s request must be done within the requesting team’s preparation time. These requirements are to ensure that we stick to the schedule and avoid keeping students and judges in competition longer than their commitment.


Debaters must send original sources via PDF or Word document; no links directly to online articles may be shared due to paywalls, subscription restrictions, and the inability to highlight the sections read or paraphrased. Evidence must be shared as a PDF or Word document through a link in the virtual room chat box, through an email chain, or through speechdrop.net. Students who plan to use the email option are recommended not to use their personal email address, and instead, to create a tournament-only account to use. The email chain must be created in the 30 minutes prior to the debate in order to be used. Judges should be added to the email chain if they so request.


Outside Assistance

Participants in the tournament will be reminded of their commitment to the state and national organization codes of honor. During the course of a round, receiving outside assistance from any non-participant in the round, including coaches, teammates, and family members, is strictly prohibited. Any allegations of a rule violation should be submitted to the Tournament Director and will be handled through protest process. Students found to have violated tournament policy may face loss of round, disqualification from the tournament, and/or notification to school administration.


Forfeit Rule

While we will do our best to accommodate and troubleshoot problems with technology, we also need to do our best to keep the tournament running on time. Debaters will be forfeited if they fail to arrive at their competition room within 10 minutes after the round was scheduled to start (accept for Parliamentary debate where a 10 minute forfeit rule is in place). Round start times will be updated throughout the tournament if the tournament starts to run off schedule. Please explain to your students the importance of being on time, OR EVEN EARLY, to rounds. Students are responsible for reading postings correctly, getting to the contest room, asking the judge if their code and/or name appears correctly, and ensuring they are prepared. Debaters who forfeit a round will receive zero speaker points for the round; debaters who receive a forfeit win will have their speaker points averaged for the round.


If we receive multiple reports that judges are arriving to rounds late (after the 10-minute mark), the tournament will begin randomly selecting student teams from that school to forfeit. This means that judges will have not one BUT TWO opportunities to make sure they arrive in their round on time. If a judge from a school is having consistent problems, they should be contacting the tournament, or their coach should be contacting the tournament. 




TOPIC: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income. Students MAY NOT double enter ANY team debate event. We will use the following time limits for Cross-Examination Debate:  8-3-8-3-8-3-8-3-5-5-5-5 with 8 minutes prep time per team.


LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATE- We will use the Sept./Oct. topic for LD in ALL DIVISIONS. Resolved: The United States ought to guarantee the right to housing.  You may NOT double enter LD and any team debate event. Lincoln Douglas Debate Time 6-3-7-3-4-6-3 with 5 minutes preparation time per debater.



Topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its military presence in the Arctic. Students MAY NOT double enter ANY team debate event. Public Forum Debate Times 4-4-3-4-4-3-3-3-3-2-2 with 3 minutes of preparation time for each team during the debate to be used as a team sees fit. The Pro will speak first in every debate.




Resolutions may be fact, value, or policy. NO METAPHOR RESOLUTIONS WILL BE USED. The topic areas for prelims are below. Keep in mind that a specific proposition will be announced for each round at the tournament.


Round 1: United States outer space exploration

Round 2: United States nuclear posture.

Round 3: International Monetary Fund and/or World Bank reforms

Round 4: African Union and Digital Integration

Round 5: United States collegiate education reforms.


Parliamentary Debate topics will be announced centrally and the topic will be posted online in multiple areas along with the topic announce time and debate start time. Teams will have 20 minutes from topic announce for preparation and 10 minutes until forfeit. We understand that this means teams may use the time as extra preparation time but judges will be instructed to be firm about the 10 minute forfeit rule. It is incumbent upon students to be in the room debating BEFORE 30:01 and if they use 29 minutes of prep and are unable to arrive on time, then that is the problem of the team debating. Teams will be allowed to prep together or with their coaches but shall refrain with communicating with any person besides their partner DURING the round.

The times are 7-8-8-8-4-5. The speeches alternate between government (affirmative) and opposition (negative) on the motion.


Debate Advance Rules

Tie Breakers and Speaker Awards: In ALL debate, we will use the following procedures for tie-breaks: 1) Opponent Record, 2) Adjusted speaker points (dropped High-Low), 3) Total Points, 4) Judge Variance.


In team debate events, the top ten speakers in each division will receive speaker awards. Speaker awards will be determined by: 1. Adjusted speaker points (Drop High-Low), 2. total points; 3. Adjusted speaker points (Drop Low); 4. Adjusted speaker points (Drop High); 5. judge variance (Z-score).


Number of Entries: The entry cap per division will be raised to 65 teams per event. Entries that exceed the cap will be placed on a waiting list and we will begin admitting entries passed the cap up until the Wednesday before the tournament begins (Oct. 27, 2021). Furthermore, schools should be entering judge coverage as entries are submitted. TBA judge slots will be deleted throughout the entry process and judges failing to show will result in schools being assessed extra fees.


Disclosure - Please help us keep on schedule. Following the return of the ballot, critics may disclose as much information as they see fit. Delays attributed to coach/judges may, at the tournament director’s discretion, result in penalties to that school’s teams including removal from the tournament.


Preliminary Rounds – Power-matching for all preliminary rounds will be high-low in win-loss brackets. The computer will randomly match Rounds 1 and 2. Rounds 1-2 will be pre-set on a geographic formula. Seven geographical areas will be used: Yosemite League, Kern League, Redwood League, Golden Gate League, Coast League, Capitol League, and all other areas. Every effort will be made not to match teams or debaters against schools from their own geographic area during Rounds 1-2. Byes will be drawn on a random basis. Rounds 3 through 5 will be power-matched (high-low within win-loss brackets) based upon the results of all previous rounds.


Elimination Rounds - In elimination rounds, brackets WILL be broken (if possible). Partial elimination rounds will be held, as necessary. If there are enough entries to warrant it (33+), the top 16 debate teams and the top 16 Lincoln Douglas debaters will advance to Octofinals. Ties for the sixteenth team or LD debater will be broken using the formula above. In the case of unbreakable ties, a coin will be flipped. Debaters will flip for sides unless they have met in earlier rounds.




Eligibility Rules - Open Division is available to all eligible students, regardless of experience. Students are novices in individual events when they:

1. are in their first year (defined as two semesters) of high school individual event competition and

2. have not placed third or higher in the same or a similar event two or more times in any division.

Collapsing Divisions – Every effort will be made to protect novice competitors. However, if there are fewer than seven (7) entries in an event, it may be collapsed into the next highest division. If this occurs, top novices will be recognized at the Awards Ceremony.



Criteria for Elimination Round - Any event with less than 7 contestants will not have a final round. For events with 7 to 29 competitors competing in all preliminary rounds, a final round will be held. In events where more than 30 students compete in all preliminary rounds, semifinals will be offered.


Advancement to Elimination Rounds – No more than half of the field will be advanced to finals. Students will be rank ordered first by lowest cumulative rankings, then by the highest reciprocal score (a.k.a. decimal conversion) and finally by the highest cumulative ratings.


Placement/Advancement in Elimination Rounds - Students will be rank ordered first by lowest cumulative rankings in the elimination round, then by judge’s preference, followed by the highest reciprocal score (a.k.a. decimal conversion) and finally by the highest cumulative ratings.


Number of Entries


Individual Events:

Each school will be allowed a maximum of 60 initial individual event entries. In addition, each school may enter up to six teams in Duo Interpretation. Podcasting entries do not count toward the maximum number of entries. As judging and space provides, entries may be admitted.


Debate Events:

We can comfortably guarantee space for a total 80 debaters/teams across both divisions in all events. So, that means that once we hit a total, the rest will be placed on a wait list. Schools will be notified no later than Wednesday before the tournament.


Triathlon .Each school may enter five students in senior division Triathlon and five students in junior division Triathlon. Each student must enter at least three individuals events. Neither Team Debate Events nor Lincoln Douglas Debate count as Triathlon events. The top three students in each division of Triathlon will be honored. Awards are determined on the basis of elimination results only. Podcasting can count as one event.


Podcasting: Contestants should prepare a 4-to-6-minute podcast involving current events, domestic affairs, international affairs, business news, sports, or entertainment news. All or one of these areas may be included in the podcast. Contestants will be judged on content, creativity, delivery, and production quality. Production quality means that the broadcast should be free from distracting noises. All contestants will be entered in one division. The top three contestants will receive trophies. Schools may enter up to five contestants in this event. The recordings may be submitted as a video or digital recording should submitted via link or usb to the Tournament Director when the school registers at the tournament.


Sweepstakes: Contestants not competing in an elimination round will not receive sweepstakes points. Triathlon results do not accrue sweepstakes points. Points will be awarded as follows:

Points for First; Points for Second; Points for Third/Semifinals of Debate; Finalist;

Semi-Finalist; Quarter-Finals; Octo-Finals


CX PuFo Parli 20 15 10 -- -- 5 3

LD 15 10 7 -- -- 4 2

IEs/Duo/Pod 10 7 5 3 1 -- --



Manager contact information

Steven Kalani Farias
Email address: sfarias@pacific.edu
Phone number: 2094716470

Mailing address

3601 Pacific Ave
Communication Department
Stockton, CA 95211

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