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Jack C. Hays High School

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Texas.

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We cordially invite you and your team to the Jack C. UIL Set B Tournament on Saturday, February 11th. The tournament will be run entirely in person at Jack C. Hays High School in Buda, Texas.  Buda is located just west of I-35, in between Austin and San Marcos.  
We will be offering all UIL academic contests, including hands-on computer programming.  All UIL speech and debate events will also be offered.  Prose and Poetry for prelims and finals will be the speaker's choice.  We have built a standard UIL conflict pattern into our schedule, so students should adhere to UIL cross-entry regulations for all events.  UIL rules and time limits will be followed in all events.  We will not break brackets in debate.
LD Debate will use the spring resolution, Resolved: Term limits for members of the United States Congress are justified.
We will be hiring well-qualified judges for speech, debate, and writing contests.  Interested parties should fill out the form at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Hhbd3Iu_pkpMemHW2WqxaTWYL1CIMDi2hyo-8nCsCcs/edit

Manager contact information

Email address: gina.lozano@hayscisd.net
Phone number: 5122137795

Mailing address

4800 Jack C Hays Trl
Attn: Gina Lozano
Buda, TX 78610

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