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NJSDL April Speech Festival

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in New Jersey.

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The New Jersey Speech & Debate League (NJSDL) Online Speech Festival Series is open to all students from New Jersey public and private schools and welcomes student entries from schools in other states, territories, and countries as well! The competitions offer middle school and high school divisions and students can enter multiple categories! Click here to view the Series Flyer to learn more.

The April 2023 NJSDL Speech Festival has four special themed events celebrating Earth Day:


We hope that in addition to providing the students on your team with another opportunity for judge feedback before end of year national tournaments, these festivals can provide the opportunity for a class at your school to connect with the theme from a curricular standpoint and give new students a taste of speech and debate through the themed events of Pro Con Challenge, Congressional Debate Authorship Challenge, Prepared Prompt, and Original Poetry.



Manager contact information

Raymond Shay
Email address: rshay@princetonacademy.org
Phone number: 6107160344

Mailing address

Box #337
203 Main Street
Flemington, NJ 08822

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