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Shakespeare in the Ville

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Illinois.

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Good Morrow and Welcome to the Shakespeare in the Ville Tournament at Romeoville High School!


This tournament is for all Novice, JV, and Varsity students.


Extemp and Radio will both prep ONCE at the school for preliminary rounds and prep again for finals. Radio and Exempt prep starts at 7:45 am and 8:00 am, respectively, in the library. Both start speaking at 8:30.


Entry fees for teams with up to 14 entries are $125.00 per team. Teams with 15-28 entries are $150.00.  Teams with 29 or more entries will be asked to pay $200 per team. Please limit the number of entries to 3 per event. 

Entry fees should be sent to Romeoville High School 100 N Independence Blvd. 60446 or brought the day of the tournament on December 17th.  Attention to Romeoville Speech Team. 


Teams will be asked to provide 1 judge per every 5 entries. Judges are expected to stay for the full day. If you are short on judges, let us know ahead of time and we will have extra you can hire for $100 per day.


Tournament Schedule

Registration 7:00 AM

Coaches/Judges Meeting: 8:00 AM

Extemp and Radio Prep: 8:00 am

Round 1: 8:30

Round 2: 10:00

Round 3: 11:30

Finals: 2:00 or sooner, if possible

Awards will start  at 4:00 pm or before. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. We look forward to seeing you in our fair Romeoville on December 17th!


Tim Czajowski and Catherine Parello

RHS Speech Coaches

Email: czajowskit@vvsd.org Cell: (815)651-0872

Email: parelloc@vvsd.org 

Important tournament rooms

Tab Room - 100
Extemp/Radio Prep - LMC

Manager contact information

Tim Czajowski
Email address: czajowskit@vvsd.org
Phone number: (815)651-0872

Mailing address

100 N Independence Blvd
Romeoville, IL 60446

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