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Team results

AW Dreyfoos School of the Arts Congressional Debate

Competitor(s) from AW Dreyfoos School of the Arts

Viewing results from 2023-2024. Change season:

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Final results
Arik Karim1Florida Oceanfront NSDA District Congress QualifierHigh School
Chloe Ryder1PBCFL #1Novice
Chloe Ryder1PBCFL #4Novice
Devi Ramprasad1PBCFL #4Novice
Gavin Murray1PBCFL #1Mixed
Gavin Murray1PBCFL #4Mixed
Josiah Manners1PBCFL #4Mixed
Keegan McLendon1PBCFL #4Novice
Lucy Pellegrino1PBCFL #1Novice
Ruth Ava Weisberg1PBCFL #3Mixed
Sofia Derk1PBCFL #2Mixed
Sofia Derk1PBCFL #5Open
Trisha Babji Rao1PBCFL #1Novice
Arik Karim2PBCFL #1Mixed
Ashwin Kishor2PBCFL #1Mixed
Ashwin Kishor2PBCFL #5Open
Bailee E. Simmers2PBCFL #1Mixed
Bailee E. Simmers2PBCFL #4Mixed
Bailee E. Simmers2PBCFL #5Open
Josiah Manners2PBCFL #6Mixed
Karina Brown2PBCFL #1Mixed
Karina Brown2PBCFL #2Mixed
Keegan McLendon2PBCFL #1Novice
Kendall Smith2PBCFL #6Mixed
Lila Goldin2PBCFL #2Mixed
Liliana Kirby2PBCFL #1Novice
Sofia Derk2PBCFL #4Mixed
Ashwin Kishor3PBCFL #4Mixed
David Sanchez3PBCFL #4Mixed
Dylan Nguyen3PBCFL #3Mixed
Faustina Duvigneaud3PBCFL #2Mixed
Griffin Petti3PBCFL #1Novice
Jasmine Mullings3PBCFL #2Mixed
Jeremiah Alondra3PBCFL #6Mixed
Lila Goldin3PBCFL #4Mixed
Lucy Pellegrino3PBCFL #3Mixed
Ruth Ava Weisberg3PBCFL #2Mixed
Samantha Bain3PBCFL #3Mixed
Samantha Bain3PBCFL #6Mixed
Sara Lipnitzky3PBCFL #4Novice
Sloane Clarke3PBCFL #5Open
Vedhasa Kallam3PBCFL #4Novice
Samantha Bain4PBCFL #2Mixed
Samantha Bain4PBCFL #4Novice
Sanjit Gupta4PBCFL #1Novice
Sloane Clarke4PBCFL #1Novice
Trisha Babji Rao4PBCFL #4Novice
Vedhasa Kallam4PBCFL #1Novice
Victoria McGovern4PBCFL #6Mixed
Vivian Jiang4PBCFL #5Open
Ashwin Kishor5Florida Oceanfront NSDA District Congress QualifierHouse 1
David Sanchez5PBCFL #2Mixed
Jeremiah Alondra5PBCFL #1Mixed
Karina Brown5PBCFL #4Mixed
Keegan McLendon5PBCFL #6Mixed
Kendall Smith5PBCFL #2Mixed
Vedhasa Kallam5PBCFL #6Mixed
Bianca Angelino6PBCFL #6Mixed
Hinav Kour Ahmad6PBCFL #4Novice
Hinav Kour Ahmad6PBCFL #6Mixed
Kendall Smith6PBCFL #3Mixed
Rayven Richards6PBCFL #2Mixed
Samantha Bain6PBCFL #1Novice
Sanjana Gupta6PBCFL #2Mixed
Sophia Nemes6PBCFL #2Mixed
Victoria McGovern6PBCFL #5Open

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