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Papillion LaVista South High School Invite

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General information

This information is from a tournament in a past season!

This is a High School tournament in Nebraska.

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Dear Forensics Colleague,


Papillion La Vista South High School cordially invites you to attend the 9th annual PL South Speech Tournament on Saturday, December 7, 2019.  This year, we are excited and proud to announce that we are a NIETOC National Qualifying tournament!  We will have three preliminary rounds and finals. Please read over the invitation and e-mail me if you have any questions at lkhicks@paplv.org.


EVENTS: HI, DI, Poetry, POI, DUO, Extemp, OO, Informative, Entertainment, Impromptu.  We will allow Duet Acting entries to compete in DUO, with a maximum time limit of 12 minutes.  Teams are responsible for bringing their own table and chairs.


ENTRIES & FEES: Students may TRIPLE enter at their own risk.  We will not hold rounds for cross entries. We will limit entries to six per event to make sure we have room for all schools, but we will also have a waiting list to fill the building on a first come, first serve basis. We will do everything we can to let all on the waitlist in.


This year, will be tabbing without speaker points on the ballots.  Tiebreaking to decide who makes finals is based on 1) prelim round combined ranks, 2) opponent's strength, 3) head to head, 4) prelim reciprocals. Finals tiebreaking will be 1) rank in finals, 2) judge's pref in finals, 3) final round reciprocals, 4) prelim round ranks, 5) prelim round opponent's strength.


We also will be using BLAST capabilities for both competitors and judges - just helps with getting postings for rounds 2 and 3 out, as well as postings for finals. More information about how everyone can sign up will be coming the week of the tournament.


Additionally, NEW THIS YEAR, we will be using e-ballots!  Please bring an electronic device (phone, ipad, or laptop) with wireless capabilities in order to fulfill judging requirements. We will run a quick tutorial to train our judges on how to use e-ballots before the tournament starts.  More information will be forthcoming regarding device to network compatibility requirements.


The entry fee is $8 per event.  ENTRIES ARE DUE BY 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 4th. 


JUDGES: You must provide one adult, qualified judge for every 5 entries.  Since we are using e-ballots this year, judges need a valid email address when you register them on Speechwire. 

ANY ENTRY NOT ‘COVERED’ BY YOUR JUDGES WILL COST AN ADDITIONAL $15/ENTRY. Please try to cover with as many UNAFFILIATED judges as possible. If you have a very large entry, and a lot of affiliated judges, I may not be able to use all of your judges.


LATE CHANGES: After the deadline, please contact Laurie Hicks with any changes at:

Cell: 402-297-2103; Email (preferred): lkhicks@paplv.org




Trophies will be awarded to the champion in each event, with medals for 2nd-6th places (and 7th-12th for those events that qualify for Honors finals).  Team sweepstakes trophies will be awarded to 1st-3rd places.


From the NIETOC:


Bids are gained at the following levels:

0-19 contestants = FIRST PLACE BID

20-34 contestants = FIRST, SECOND & THIRD PLACE BIDS

35-50 contestants = FINAL ROUND BIDS






There will be a concession stand and a judges/coaches lounge available all day.  Pizza will be for sale for competitors at concessions at 11:30am and again at 1pm.   



8:00am                         Check-in

8:30am                         General Mtg (Theater)/Extemp Draw (Library)

9:00am                         Round 1

10:00am                       Extemp draw, Round 2

10:30am                       Round 2

11:30am                       Extemp draw, Round 3

Noon                            Round 3

2pm                                Finals

ASAP                            Awards



Thank you.  We look forward to seeing all of you!


Laurie Hicks, Director of Speech

Mandy Bernth  Asst. Coach

and the PL South Speech Team 


Manager contact information

Laurie Hicks
Email address: lkhicks@paplv.org
Phone number: 402-297-2103

Mailing address

10799 Hwy 370
Papillion, NE 68046

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