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Munster Debate Meet

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This information is from a tournament in a past season!

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Munster High School Debate Tournament
Munster Debate invites you to attend our 2023 Debate Tournament on Saturday, November 4.  Please read the information below.  
Online registration is available on Speechwire.  If you have any questions about Speechwire registration, please email Jessica Hilbrich at jessmhilbrich@gmail.com  
PLEASE NOTE: We will be using online balloting this year, so you will need to enter your judges’ emails when you register. Judges will also need to create a Speechwire account.
Registration 7:45-8:15 am (CDT)
Judge Meeting:  8:15 am in Media Center.
We are trying to start earlier to accommodate our Eastern Time zone friends not getting back too late.
First Round 8:30 am (CDT)
Due to space constraints, Public Forum and Lincoln Douglas rounds will be flighted.
Awards Approximately 4:00pm
• Policy, LD, PF, WSD, and Congress will be offered and will follow ISSDA rules.
•Policy, LD, PF, and WSD will be power-matched rounds 3 & 4 as time allows.
•2 divisions offered:  Varsity and Novice.  Novice is defined as a first year debater.  
•NSDA Novice Restrictions will be enforced. Check here to confirm. Additionally, no Counterplans or Kritiks are allowed in the novice division.
•Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income.
•We will observe NSDA rules changes and use 8 minutes of prep time.
•Varsity and Novice offered.  
•Both divisions will use the November/December topic. ISSDA Rules Apply.
•Resolved: The United States ought to prohibit the extraction of fossil fuels from federal public lands and waters.
Public Forum:
•Varsity and  Novice offered.
•Both Divisions will use the November/December topic. ISSDA Rules Apply
•Resolved: The United States federal government should forgive all federal student loan debt.
World Schools Debate:
•One Division will be offered.
•Rounds 1 & 2 will use this proposition: “This house supports the accelerated deployment of renewable energy methods.” (UPDATED)
•Rounds 3 & 4 will be impromptu. Teams may use 2 Reference books for prep.
•Varsity and Novice offered.  
•ISSDA November/December Docket. Exact Legislation is uploaded to Speechwire. (UPDATED)
      2. A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to Establish Term Limits for the Supreme Court
      5. A Bill to Allow Gender Affirming Care for Children aged 14 and Older
      6. A Bill to Decriminalize Drug Charges Relating to Possession
      11. A Bill to End the Cuban Embargo to Promote Foreign Relations with the Republic of Cuba
•Varsity will elect presiding officers from within the house with competitors voting for best P.O.  
•Please email Mike Buck directly (mpbuck@munster.us) if you have someone willing to PO a novice house.  
•Please bring one judge for every 2 entries or fraction thereof (E.G. 2 policy teams=1 judge; 3 LDers=2 judges; 3 PF teams=2 judges). 
•Congress=1 judge per 5 entries/fraction.
•All judges should be ready to judge any event.
•Varsity debaters with 250 NFL points+ may judge novice (PLEASE make sure to mark them as such on their registration.)
•We will be using online balloting, so all judges will need to register on Speechwire prior to coming and bring a device.  Laptops or tablets are preferred over smartphones. 
•Aligned with ISSDA's vision to promote quality judging, we are requesting judges fill out an experience sheet. The sheets will be made available during registration and then will be made publicly accessible for students and coaches to tailor their debate strategies for their judges.
General: Snacks and lunch will be available for purchase all day. 
Awards: We intend to award 6 places in each division. We will also bring back policy speakers awards. Gavels will be awarded to POs in Congress. 
Registration: Final registration with names for all divisions are due by 7pm CDT Tuesday, October 31st.  Judges AND emails should be registered on Speechwire by Thursday, November 2.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Jordan Mayer, Director of Speech and Debate
Mike Buck, Assistant Debate Coach
Charlie Connell, Assistant Debate Coach
Jessica Hilbrich, Assistant Debate Coach
Andrew Phifer, Volunteer Debate Coach

Manager contact information

Jessica Hilbrich
Email address: jessmhilbrich@gmail.com
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None provided

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