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Chesterton Debate Tournament

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Congressional Debate info

The Congressional Debate Legislation for the Tournament can be found at the Inspeechanddebate.org site as well as by following this link.  

In the morning session we will debate the following pieces of legislation from the Nov-Dec slate of bills

#12 - A Resolution to Recommend a Joint U.S./Canadian/U.N. Presence in Haiti to Facilitate the Reestablishment of a Legitimate Government

#11 - A Bill to End the Cuban Embargo to Promote Foreign Relations with the Republic of Cuba
#3. A Resolution to Amend the Constitution to End the Power to Presidentially Pardon
In the Afternoon session we will continue our practice of a scramble round* as well as debate the following pieces of legislation
#9. A Resolution to Apologize for the Iraq War

*The scramble round involves a believable (but made-up news event) that we tell the students has necessitated a special session for an important bill.  The students are then allowed to caucus for about 45 minutes (with evidence packets that we give them as well as the internet) to prepare for the debate on the new piece of legislation



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