
Zachary E Goldstein
OH Debate


ALWAYS ask permission to spread.

Above all- maintain decorum. Assertiveness is perfectly fine and even encouraged. But unprofessional behavior will only get you an easy L.

Public Forum:

Self-described as hybrid trad-tech judge, slightly trad-leaning.

If you try to run a theory case, just know it has a 99% chance of falling flat and failing with me.

Signposting is appreciated, but not required.

Stick to the time restrictions. I'll cut you off if you go too far over.

Avoid interrupting someone or speaking over your opponent, particularly during cross rounds. Only interject when absolutely necessary.

Don't let things go- if something goes unrefuted, that's another easy ballot to submit.

Student Congress:

I value an efficient PO. If you keep the chamber productive and run it fairly, I will likely rank you.

Unless you are the author/sponsor, you should be clashing.

Please behave like actual senators; failure to do so can impact your ranking.